July Coffee Catch Up

Taking a quick pause in the 4th of July weekend festivities for this week’s Fit Five Friday, I’m linking up with Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date. So grab your fave beverage and let’s catch up!

July Coffee Catch Up

Over coffee I would tell you that this week I have been enjoying a much-needed staycation! My office is closed for the week of July 4th and the timing of this break couldn’t have come at a better time. After a whirlwind that was June, I’m hoping that I can slow down a bit to enjoy the lazy days of summer and this week is a good start.

Over coffee, I would tell you how excited I am to finally be back in my kitchen! Our whirlwind renovation is coming to a close – we’ve  got a few items left on the punch list for our contractor, but we are moving back into the new space.

Over coffee, I would tell you that, after the second cortisone shot provided only a brief pause in my hip-area pain, I’m moving on to shockwave therapy. My first appointment is this morning – wish me luck!

What would you tell me over coffee? 

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  1. I hope all goes well with your continued treatment for your hip. Fingers crossed the finish line is in sight. Your kitchen looks great!

  2. Your kitchen looks gorgeous! I love those tiles!

    You know I’m a believer in shockwave therapy. Even though my hamstring didn’t respond as immediately as my achilles tendon, it worked eventually. I hope you have good results!

    • I thought of your experience with shockwave – fingers crossed I have as good results!

      And thanks – the tile was the inspiration for the whole kitchen 🙂

  3. GOOD LUCH with the shockwave! I definitely helped my foot- although like Coco, it didn’t work right away. Keep at it and be patient- your hip WILL get better!
    Your kitchen looks amazing!!! I’m very glad it’s almost done, and I’m glad you had a staycation week. Hope you’re enjoying some lazy days.

  4. Your kitchen looks fabulous! Really hoping the new treatment works for you. It has been a long time!

  5. so glad you have some much needed time off!
    your kitchen looks amazing! I might have my kitchen ONE YEAR after I ordered it… to be continued.
    curious about shockwave therapy! hoping it works for you!

  6. Ah, a staycation would be so nice right now! There’s so much I need to do, haha (probably not the point of a staycation but it’d be nice to just have some time off! 😛 )

    Your kitchen looks awesome!! Glad that you’re getting to move back into that space soon! :]

    I hope shockwave therapy helps with your hip!! <3

  7. I am crossing my fingers that shockwave therapy works for you. Your kitchen looks beautiful!

  8. Your kitchen looks amazing.

    Good luck with your hip. Hope this does the trick.

  9. Your kitchen is gorgeous!

    I’ve been looking at houses… ones on property that have an in-law cottage. And each one has a trash kitchen, so I keep asking the husband how much we can spare for renovation. He wants to hear none of it LOL!

    I’m sorry the cortisone isn’t living up to the hype. That’s so frustrating. I hope you get somewhere with the shockwave therapy.

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