And, just like that, we’ve hit the last month of what has often felt like a sprint of a year. It was another busy week as everyone at work tries to jam in “all the things” before year-end vacations kick in. On the fitness front, I’m still trying to decide what my new, off-season routine will look like. Here’s how this week played out:
Week 48 – Hello December!
Monday — 3-mile walk, Hip Mobility & Core
Tuesday — Rest day
Wednesday — Peloton Bike, Core, & Stretch. I started with a 20-min HIIT ride that included 16 sprints…ouch! The cool down ride and stretch were a must! My legs were jelly.
Thursday — 3-mile run. Day 1 of Peloton instructor Robin’s #3for31 challenge – run or walk 3 miles or move 30 minutes daily in December. I also paid a visit to my massage therapist – I was long overdue!
Friday — Lower Body Strength, Core & Stretch
Saturday — 3.5-mile run. The wind was just rude! I certainly chalked this up to resistance training.
Sunday — 3-mile walk and planning for some time on the Peloton bike post-coffee
Just 2 runs for the week, but both were pain-free so I’ll take it! Overall, the goal for this month is simple – do what’s necessary to heal my lingering hip flexor/quad issue.
How was your week? Any big goals for December?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.
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Hooray for pain free runs.
Hate that wind but a 15k in the rain was no picnic.
This year has certainly gone by quickly.
Work is crazy for me too.
Definitely no picnic but you got it done!
Fastest year ever. Sigh. I’ve done much more stretching this past week, for a change, and it was much needed. Hooray for pain-free running!
I’ve been slacking on the stretch because I’ve been pressed for time and I have to admit that I can feel it.
Yay for pain free runs! I swear regular massage therapy really helps. This year has been flying by!
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Dashing Into December Weekly Run Down
I was long overdue for a massage — felt so good!
Great week for you. I am so excited for the holidays, and we have so much planned. I desperately need the festive in my life.
I’m looking forward to bringing some festive into my life too 🙂
The year really went so fast!
Glad you’re enjoying pain free runs! Fingers crossed it stays that way!
Thanks Jessie, I hope so!
I’m glad you’re running pain free right now! No big plans for December except to wrap up my heavy strength cycle. I’m starting to think about races for next year.
Thanks Wendy 🙂 Looking forward to hearing more about your 2023 race plans.
Also only two runs — and I am okay with that. As much as everyone seems to think it’s a great time of year to push hard, it’s much better to rest up so you’re fit in the Spring/Summer — if you can, of course.
Glad you are still enjoying pain free runs! That’s great after your races!
I agree Judy – I’m all for scaling back if it helps me to stay pain-free and recover for spring training.
No big goals for December, other than to make it through unscathed. Glad your hip flexor is feeling good- sounds like a good time to focus on rehab.
Unscathed is a good goal 😉
Yay for pain-free running! My runs have been feeling really good, but s-l-o-w, LOL…but I’ll gladly take the pain-free situation over its counterpart. Totally agree that 2022 has flown by at record-breaking speed.
I’m really glad to hear that your runs have been feeling better!
Totally can relate to everyone at work jamming stuff in before Christmas. I have so many meetings on my calendar this week and next week. I’m taking off two days this week and 2 days next week, but then I’ll be working the rest of the month. I look forward to that quiet week between Christmas and NYE to get a lot of stuff done.
Good to hear that you’ve got some days off planned. I’m really looking forward to having some downtime.
Pain free runs for the win, yay Michelle! Like everyone else, my December goal is to keep my head above water!
Debbie recently posted…Weekly RunDown: November 27 – December 3 / Outdoor Exercise Weather Limits
Thanks Debbie! I hope you have a peaceful month 🙂