Welcome back to the Fit Five Friday linkup!
I’m ready to kick off the weekend with a little catch-up over the Ultimate Coffee Date hosted by Coco and Deborah. So grab a mug of your favorite beverage and let’s chat for a bit!
Over coffee, I would tell you that school wraps up today for my youngest son – the first year of high school is done and dusted! So the RWA household is officially in summer mode! We’re starting to flesh out our annual family summer bucket list, which I’m expecting to be pretty long since there were so many of our summer favorites we didn’t get to enjoy last year.
And, speaking of being in summer mode, over coffee I would tell you just how much I enjoyed my staycation – it was a good balance of unplugging and doing. I don’t think I truly realized how much I needed some time off until I took it! And now, while it is barely in the rearview mirror, I’m happy to say we have a family vacation booked for July!
Over coffee, I would tell you that while I thought I was done with all of my plantings for this year, I’m now toying with the idea of removing a couple of older plants and adding some additional rose bushes. The real question is whether I can convince my husband to take on another project (read lots of digging!) with me.
Over coffee, I would tell you that I want to get back into my home organization groove after a bit of a lull over these past couple of months. My boys’ rooms are in need of a purge and refresh and I’ve still got some finishing touches to do on our home office. What do you think the chances are of getting two teenagers to willingly participate?
Over coffee, I would tell you that cannot believe that my youngest is going to take Driver’s Ed classes later this month. I must admit that I’m just a little afraid nervous.

Full disclosure I used this gif a few years ago when my oldest started driving. Still fits my current mood LOL
What would you tell me over coffee? What’s on your Summer bucket list?
Welcome to Fit Five Friday!
Join My First 5K and More, Running With Attitude, Run Laugh Eat Pie, Runs with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Who’s ready for some fun?
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It really is starting to feel like summer now! We don’t have any plans yet but I want to do some day trips when we take time off. Also, our community pool opened this year so it will be fun to take Grayson there. Good luck getting your teenagers to willingly help with cleaning out their rooms!
Oh having access to the pool will be so nice! It’s definitely feeling like Summer now!
My kids’ rooms all need work, as well, but I clutterfess that a lot of that is stuff the hubs and I have stashed in them LOL It seemed that with each kid driving, my anxiety about it lessoned. I think all the parental taxi-shuttling was one of those obligations I was willing to let go LOL
Oh yes – I may be nervous, but I am also so willing to hang up my mom-taxi hat 😉
I’m really looking forward to summer this year! I have a lot of PTO accrued from last year–no vacations–so I have a lot of time off this summer. We’re mostly going to spend time in Wisconsin, but hopefully, I’ll be able to sneak away to see Holly again. I want to go to a Cubs game and spend time in the city. Excited that things are opening back up!
That’s awesome that you have a lot of time accrued! It will be nice to start doing things again!
I’m SO happy to have summer finally here! A getaway sounds fantastic. We wanted to go to Banff in July however Canada is not yet admitting foreigners. Sigh. Thing 2 got her permit last fall and knocked out her classroom driver’s ed but due to COVID, she’s only had one behind the wheel lesson so far (needs 5). We’ve been letting her take us on long drives and it is nerve wracking!
Banff would be an awesome trip! I keep hoping Canada will open up soon because my son will be going to college a short hop from Montreal and I’ve been wanting to see that city.
That rose is gorgeous! Last weekend’s storms took out a lot of our flowers. Of course, I don’t have as many as you do.
I think a lot of people are planning a big summer to make up for last year. LOL on driver’s ed — such an adventure.
After an absolutely crappy year, my roses are going strong now – go figure. I think that’s why I’m feeling motivated to plant more.
Oh the driver’s ed was stressful! My son came home 3 weeks ago and his stuff is still in a pile in the middle of his room. I have just decided I am not walking in there at all! Too stressful. Glad you had some time off and yay for vacations! Where are you going?
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Join Me For June 2021 Ultimate Coffee Date
You’re smart to stay out of his room 🙂
We’re heading to Northern Vermont to do some hiking and kayaking!
I’d love having coffee with you and discussing your home organisation project! I’m doing the same – been very lax the last couple of months but starting on the kids’ rooms – so many clothes and toys are now outgrown and its time for me to sort that out. It seems every other item we pull out is too small for them now!
I don’t know why but I feel like going through the kids’ stuff takes forever! Good luck with all the sorting!
Glad you enjoyed your stay-cation. I need one but I’m afraid that I still would get nothing done. I would run more, hike more and see friends more.
I do need to purge MORE clothes. But I will go back to work so I guess I will start wearing something other than running clothes.
Bucket list?
More time in the garden (weeds!!!)
Finding time to hike
Get on the bike and ride some place new
Nothing wrong with more time to run, hike and hang with friends, right?! 🙂
I’ve started making plans for August – need to work on some travels or day trips in June and July! I have to rip off the band aid and GO!
Is your son eager to learn to drive? My nephew in CA is just meh about it. I remember when I was 16, I could not wait to turn 17 to get my license!
It’s funny my oldest son was totally blasé about getting his license, but my youngest can’t get behind the wheel fast enough!
Woohoo! Welcome to summer break. I love that you already have a vacation planned next month.
It’s so great that you’ll have a new drive in the family in a few months. Try not to worry too much – I’m sure the lessons will go well!
I am so itching for a change of scenery – I’m glad we were able to book a place we can drive to.
I swear the new driver’s going to add a few more gray hairs for me before we’re through LOL
Ha ha… even though my son is 18 he still doesn’t have his license (long story) so we’ve been doing a lot of driving practice lately. So far the only thing he’s hit is someone’s garbage can, but I’ve had some harrowing moments.
We also have a family vacation planned for July! I’ll bet there’s going to be lots of people traveling this summer. Very exciting!
Jenny recently posted…June Coffee Date
Sounds like we’re in a similar boat on the driving – good luck!
I’m still the youngest and can still remember taking driver’s ed & my dad teaching me, and actually being amazingly patient about it. They were ready to stop driving me around!
Good luck on getting the cooperation you need for your various projects.
You didn’t say where your vacation will be!
I admit I’m probably not the most patient teacher – luckily my husband is.
I think I may have my husband convinced on the additional garden work…but my boys, not so much.
We’re renting a house in Stowe – lots of hiking and kayaking to be done!
Yay for summer mode! Congrats on getting there.
I did my sons’ rooms myself after they moved out. I thought it would be easier that way – I could make all the decisions without “help”.
Hope you have a great July family vacation!
You were probably smarter to forgo the “help” 😉
That is exciting about Summer Break! Do share what is on the summer bucket list. Being home is great. Time goes by too fast too. 🙂
The time does go by too fast! Trying to enjoy every minute of it!
I’m glad you had a great staycation! That rose looks beautiful!
Best of luck with your youngest’s driver’s ed!! I never took it but my dad taught me and wasn’t the most patient, but also wasn’t as panicky as my mom, so it was a tradeoff, hehe.
My youngest is a bit of a daredevil and I’m just hoping that doesn’t translate to his skills behind the wheel!
Those roses are gorgeous! I haven’t seen anything like them!
I feel like my summer won’t officially start tii we get back from summer camp. That’s when the true fun can begin!
Thanks Jenn – I am loving the way the roses are coming in this year!
Good luck with summer camp!
Wow your roses look so beautiful! I have the same bug for gardening and it’s hard to not keep adding more plants 🙂 It’s a creative outlet.
Good luck to your son in driver’s ed! Such an important step in his life. Is he excited? I cam only imagine how you’re feeling as a parent but I pray everything goes smoothly and he becomes an excellent young driver.
Running With Fireflies recently posted…Weekly recap
Oh that’s so great that you enjoy gardening too! I so agree about it being a creative outlet!
And thanks for the good wishes on the driving lessons 🙂