Between work, home life, and the weather it has been a bit of a rollercoaster this week. Here’s how my workouts played out this week:
Weekly Run Down – Week 14
Monday — 20 min Peloton ride, 15 min Bodyweight Strength, and 10 min Core. I have been feeling much stronger on the climbs on my rides lately and I think the work is starting to pay off as I scored a new ride PR! A nice way to kick off the week!
Tuesday — Core, otherwise rest day.
Wednesday — 30 min Ride and 10 min Core. This ride was a great reminder that “low impact” does not equal “easy”.
Thursday — 3.25 miles, 20 min Chest & Back, and 10 min Core. So much sunshine!
Friday — 2 miles and 30 min Yoga. I have been neglecting my yoga mat and the deep stretch was needed!
Saturday — 5 miles and 10 min Core. New shoes always help to put some extra pep in my step!
Sunday — And, just like that the weather turned cold, drizzly, and dreary again. Currently, I have coffee cup in hand as I debate my options. Most likely it will be a Ride and Lower Body Strength.
So about that rollercoaster ride…
All rollercoasters have highs and for me this week that included picking up those pretty new Adrenalines pictured above, wrapping up a big work project, enjoying some beautiful spring days with temps in the 60s and 70s, and my husband scoring a vaccine appointment!
As for the rollercoaster lows? Well, that came in the form of watching my son be so excited to return to a full in-person class schedule, only to have to go into quarantine by Thursday after one of the varsity players on his lacrosse teammates tested positive. My son’s on JV (and tested negative), but “close contact” means a 10-day quarantine for the whole team and coaches. It’s so frustrating to see him stuck back on Zoom again.
How was your week? Is it warming up where you are?
In case you missed it:
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.
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I’m loving those Adrenalines! I may have to shop…again…
My youngest son’s girlfriend and housemates all have COVID. Fortunately, he got the J&J vaccine a few weeks ago and he is fine. I wish we could get on top of this thing…ugh
Wendy recently posted…Whew!
Wow – thank goodness for the vaccine, right?! I wish we could get on top of this too…
Quarantining is so tough on everyone but esp on kids.
Those shoes are very cute. I am wearing Topos and they are ugly. I did buy a pair of Brooks Ghosts but the verdict is out on them. Comfort is more important than looks… but…
I’ll be curious to hear what you think of the Ghosts – I have a pair that I run in occasionally, but I mostly use them for walks. They just didn’t agree with me the way the Adrenalines do. And yes comfort always above fashion…got lucky with this pair 🙂
Oh, I am so sorry about your son. that really sucks.
Congrats on your ride PR!
I agree — new shoes usually give me a little speed, and I really do need to buy some!
Thanks Judy – I have really been enjoying the bike lately.
The return to quarantine so late in the school year is just so hard…I think we’re all ready for this school year to be over.
Oh, your poor son. That must have been so frustrating! I think it’s hard with the sports teams. For a while we were getting calls all the time about someone on one of the teams testing positive. For once it’s a good thing that neither of my kids is athletic!
Yes, new shoes make everything better! Hope you get some good runs in this week.
Jenny recently posted…Weekly Rundown- Back to Normal(ish)
We had been on the fence about letting him play this Spring, but with so much he didn’t get to do this school year we didn’t want to take his favorite sport away from him too. Sigh.
Isn’t it funny how excited we runners get over new shoes 🙂
Love the new Adrenalines! Very pretty.
Sorry to hear about your son having to go back to Zooms again. That’s frustrating, I’m sure.
Thanks Jessie – hopefully, the 10 days will pass quickly.
ugh so sorry for you son! I guess that is how it will be for a while. You did have an up and down sort of week. Low impact does not mean easy. It’s fun to get PR’s and feels stronger on the bike! Have a great week
Thanks Deborah – hopefully this week will be more ups than downs.
Aw man, I’m sorry about your son. Hopefully this will be his last session of Zoom school. Yay for your hubs getting his vax appt. And yay new shoes!
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Sweats: Predictable
Keeping my fingers crossed that after this we can make it to early June with in-person classes!
Ugh I’m so sorry about the quarantine. It’s beyond frustrating after all this time. It warmed way up here and then dropped and we got a ton of rain. Going forward we’ll be in the more “seasonal” 50s.
Super cute shoes!
Seriously to still be dealing with quarantines after all this time makes you wonder when we’re really going to get ahead of this thing.
It’s cooled off here too…no rain, but we really need it!
Oh, what a bummer for your son! But what a pretty-in-purple new set of kicks 😉 Congrats on the PR…you really have been kicking buttocks on the bike!
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Weather Forecast #FAIL
Thanks Kim – the rides have been so much fun!
Aren’t those Adrenalines fun?! I could not resist! 🙂
It looks like a few of us had up and down weeks. I’m glad your son is OK. I’ve been reading a lot about covid outbreaks being tied to youth sports, so it’s good the team is being cautious, even if it sucks. Hopefully the experience will encourage everyone to be careful (not that they weren’t) and it won’t have to happen again.
Love the shoes!
Based on the school’s testing schedule it would appear that some let their guard down over Easter weekend. It is good that the school tests as much as they do and hopefully these 10 days will pass quickly!
Nice shoes! So pretty! Sorry about your son – that’s such a common thing, it seems, and so devastating.
Thank you Liz. How are things where you are, opening up again?
We’ve opened up a lot more since Monday – non-essential shops and gyms. We can also meet in each other’s gardens (maybe we could before and it’s more people) and run in sixes. So far I’ve done none of this, though I am running in a four tomorrow …
Oh, no! I’m so sorry to hear about your son! I’m glad he is ok, but quarantine still stinks.
I love your shoes! They would put pep in my step, too!
Thanks Jenn – I really am ready for this school year to be done.
New running shoes always put a smile on my face. Maybe they’ll inspire me to start to run more 😉
So sorry about your son! I’m sure that must be so frustrating.
I love the color of your shoes!
you did some good work last week Michelle. How do the PR’s work on the rides? We don’t have something like that on LM so I only gauge it myself if I’m able to climb with more resistance for example or keep race pace for the entire period of the track. Your “low impact” ride Wednesday sounds like my “recovery” ride last week (that really had zero to do with recovery!!)
Love the color of your new kicks! Sorry to hear that your son had to test and quarantine again. That really sucks.
Cute shoes!! You poor son. I am sure that must not be going well for him. Ugh, everything just sucks. Well, not everything but it seems like it. 🙂
Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Tuesday Topics: Listening to podcasts while running
Hope your son has continued to test negative. Such a frustrating year for all of them
Congrats on the new PR, and I love the shoes
Well dang about the quarantining! We’ve had a few incidents in our school district where games can’t be played and that’s really a disappointment for everyone involved! I hope you all stay healthy. Love the shoes!
Lisa @ TechChick Adventures recently posted…Weekly Workouts – week 14, GCM training
congratulations! for your ride PR! And I agree with you that new shoes always gives little speed and makes everything better! Hope you get some good runs in this week.