Does anyone else struggle with staying hydrated…especially during the winter months? I think it’s so much easier to be mindful of taking in enough fluids when the temps are soaring, but when there’s snow on the ground or the temps are frigid, not so much.
I’m making it a conscious goal to focus on my hydration, so I’m sharing a few tips on ways to stave off winter dehydration.
Keep water front and center – Yeah I know this one is pretty obvious, but I think it still important. Filling your water bottle and keeping it with you in clear view as you go about your day will go a long way in reminding you to keep drinking. (Added bonus – refill your bottle as soon as you empty it!)
Eat water-rich fruits and veggies – You don’t always have to drink water to stay hydrated! From melons and apples to leafy greens and broccoli, there is no shortage of water-rich foods to choose from.
Watch your caffeine – While I love a mug (or two) of hot coffee on a cold morning, it’s important to remember that caffeine is a natural diuretic. So when I feel the need to warm-up in the afternoon or evening, caffeine-free tea is my drink of choice.
Tips for staying hydrated this winter #FitFiveFriday #winterfitness Share on XGive your water a flavor boost – Infusing your water with fruit, cucumber, or mint helps to fight the boredom of drinking glass after glass of plain-old H20.
Track your intake – There are a number of hydration apps available that can help you to keep track of your daily intake, including setting alarms and reminders. Or, if you prefer pen and paper, use a “habit tracker” or Post-it note reminders.
Do you find it harder to stay hydrated in the winter? What are your tips for staying hydrated?
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I struggle with this too. I always keep a water bottle on me. If I find I haven’t been drinking enough I tell myself to stand in the kitchen and finish the water bottle so I can refill it. Otherwise I just take tiny sips throughout the day and don’t always drink enough.
I’ve done that too with the small sips throughout the day only to discover that I’ve barely made it through my waterbottle once!
After several years, I think I’ve finally found a system that works for me. I’ve never been a plain water drinker…I always had to add some kind of enhancer to it (like Mio). Then, I underwent six months of Invisalign treatment and was not allowed anything other than plain water (hot drinks cold melt the mouth trays, and flavored water could discolor it or get “trapped” underneath and become a cavity risk). I have a 20-oz bottle I keep on my desk at work, and usually can drink 1-2 glasses during the morning, and then again in the afternoon. I usually have at least another full glass of water in the evenings as well. I much prefer flavored water, but now I can drink the plain water without wincing…most of the time.
Sounds like a good system! By the way, it never occurred to me that you can’t have hot drinks with Invisalign (though of course, it makes sense!) – I have been thinking about looking into the treatment, but I’m not sure I could part with my beloved coffee LOL!
You can remove the trays for meals & an occasional “contraband”beverage LOL, but it was recommended to have them in place for 22 hours/day at the minimum 🙂
I drink hot tea all day long in Winter (well, all year round). Dehydration really does a number on me, so I’m usually pretty good about it.
I also have a lot more soup in Winter!
Soup is another great way of getting some additional hydration!
I have definitely started to notice some brain fog if I’m not diligent about it but I admit I’m not very good about it during the colder months.
I do find it a bit harder in winter!! These are great tips – I always forget about veggies that are loaded with water!! Will be adding those to my shopping list!
I get bored with drinking water pretty quickly so I’ve been trying to be a lot more mindful of eating the right fruits and veggies.
When I was working from home I would have a glass or water bottle in the kitchen. It would force me to get up to get. a break and to also drink water. The bathroom is in the next room so very convenient too. Now that I am back in the classroom I take a big water bottle (32 ounces) with me. I try to drink 2 bottles a day but if I drink just 1 then that is OK.
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I have a hard time with this for some reason. I do try. I was tracking for a while on my Garmin but it was discouraging so I stopped. 😂 It’s been even harder since I lost my taste from Covid. I usually use Nuun to help me drink more but now I can hardly taste it and it actually doest taste good. Hopefully that will pass soon!
I’ve just started using Garmin again for tracking…we’ll see how it goes.
How frustrating about your loss of taste – I hope that doesn’t linger too much longer for you!
Having that large water bottle is a great way to help you keep track.
Yes, I too struggle with drinking enough in winter. I need to be more mindful about this!
Definitely a challenge when you can’t “feel the heat”!
I struggle with this year-round. I drink about 1/2 as much water as I intend to, even with my water bottle right in front of me. I’ll have to try more of your tips.
I struggle with hitting my water goal too that’s why I like the idea of “eating my water” 🙂
I am so thirsty in the winter as well I guess it’s the dryness. I like flavored sparkling water and all kinds of tea. I don’t count my coffee towards my water intake but I do count me tea. Fruit and veggies are always good!
Having some flavor in my water really does help me a lot and thankfully I’ve come to embrace drinking more tea over the past couple of winters.
I suck at this all year long.
But I only drink one cup of coffee and in the morning. I eats lots of fruit esp apples and I love soup in the winter.
Believe it or not, I can run with water but biking…whoa I need water for that!!
I can easily down two mugs of coffee in the morning so I know I’m running at a deficit! I’m trying to cut back to one cup and introduce more water earlier in my day…still a work in progress!
I have used habit to help me with this. For as long as I can remember I have had a pint of water at lunchtime. That way, I know that at the very least I will have had a pint of water along with the tea and coffee I am bound to drink and the fluid I always take onboard after a run.
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Sounds like a solid plan!
Thanks for the new link up! I drink like a fish working from home, but realize that I need more water when I run outside because I don’t carry it in winter!
Good points, Michelle!
I was better at this when I went to the office. At home, I’m drinking too much black tea and chai lattes. And I wish I could quit my new habit of Diet Coke. 😳
I have a water bottle at my desk at work but when it’s busy, I don’t always get a chance to sip! I love the idea of putting fruit in my water. Yum!
I try and track my hydration on my Garmin watch, which helps. I don’t always remember, though. If I go on a longish run 15K plus, I take my quick shot flask with me. Most of the time I get home with a bit of water left.
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I very rarely drink when it’s cold. It makes me colder and have to go to the bathroom more. I need to be better about that.