Happy Friday! It’s a long holiday weekend and I am kicking things off by joining Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date. I’m lazing on my deck with a mug of Starbucks French Roast, so let’s chat a little…
July Ultimate Coffee Date
Over coffee, I would tell you that while I’m really happy to have a 3-day weekend it doesn’t at all feel like the 4th of July. With no fireworks, holiday races, nor other big gatherings, this will be a very quiet 4th. I will miss heading to Gillette Stadium for the Finish at the 50 race and the fireworks that follow. Instead, we’re planning to cook some big meals, laze on the deck, and enjoy some fires on the patio – much more chill but still nice.
Over coffee, I would tell you that one thing I am looking forward to is watching Hamilton on Disney+ tonight!
Over coffee, I would tell you that last week I had my first outdoor dining experience at a restaurant. Actually it quickly turned into an indoor experience thanks to a freak rainstorm. I had met a friend for a walk and lunch – both of us had agreed that we were not ready to try indoor dining but would sit out on the restaurant’s patio where tables were widely dispersed. Well Ma Nature has a sense of humor and 20 minutes into our meal the heavens opened up and our waiter hurried out to usher us in under umbrellas. Thankfully, there were only a couple of tables with customers so we were able to stay well spread out. All-in-all, I’m still going to stick to the great outdoors for dining out for the foreseeable future.
What would you tell me over coffee? Any plans for the 4th?
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Ma Nature LOL She definitely has a twisted sense of humor. We made plans with friends tonight…so we’re not able to see Hamilton ;-(
I really think Mother Nature likes to keep messing with us 😉
Oh no to having to move your meal inside! At least it wasn’t crowded. Its definitely a weird 4th of July. Hope you enjoy the day off!
We definitely were not ready to be inside, but it worked out fairly well.
It does not feel like the 4th of July to me either this year. I feel like we missed all of spring. I am excited to watch Hamilton this weekend. Don’t think we can see any fireworks from our house this year. Oh well! Have a fun weekend and thanks for linking up
I feel the same way about spring 🙁
I drink Starbucks French roast every morning.
No fireworks. Doesn’t even feel like July 4th.
I’ve seen Hamilton and loved it. Having FOMO now. Debating about getting Disney plus
I had been so looking forward to Hamilton coming to Boston, which was supposed to be this September. Now I’m guessing this may be the closest I get to the live show for quite a while.
Hah! The best laid plans …. Glad the restaurant wasn’t too busy anyway. I hope you enjoyed your meet-up regardless! Disney sure did know what it’s doing dropping Hamilton this weekend — at least we have that to look forward to!
The lunch was great – so nice to see a friend in person! So thankful the restaurant was pretty quiet.
We’re having a quiet weekend at home too. In fact, my husband is snoring on the couch right now. It’s too hot for a fire here!
While the days have been hot here we’ve lucked out with some cooler evenings.
I wish I had Disney +. Tivo doesn’t get it. I might just have to watch it on my Ipad, I pointed out it’s cheaper than a movie (and who knows when I’ll be going to a movie theater in the future?).
I am running tomorrow. We’ll grill. About the same as the normal fourth shenanigans, minus the real race & friends.
Funny I didn’t realize that Tivo was still around…
No major plans. Just some grilling and drinks.
We are just finishing cooking dinner and then we will sit down to watch Hamilton! I’ve held off all day.
I am only down to eat outside right now. It just feels more secure.
Jenn recently posted…july coffee date: getting through independence day
I agree – I have no interest to try indoor dining again any time soon.
We’re right there with you with a low key holiday. The inlaws were here today to celebrate hubby’s birthday and Thing 1 is off to Atlanta for a weekend at the lake. But otherwise we’ll be chilling on the deck.
Yeah I have a feeling that this holiday is a preview of the whole summer…low key. Thank goodness for time on the deck, right?
Sorry that your outdoor dining experience got rained out, but it still seems like you had a good experience! We haven’t done any outside dining yet but I would be open to trying it sometime this month.
Lots of places here are opening for outdoor dining. I’m looking forward to trying it again.
Outdoor dining all the time! I even only meet friends outdoors. It’s so much safer.
Hope you have a relaxing 4 July!
It is so much safer!
I really wish I could’ve seen Hamilton while they were doing it in SF! :[ Kinda tempted to get Disney+ just so I can watch it, haha.
I hope you have a great weekend!
I know what you mean – we had really been looking forward to seeing the show which was scheduled to come here this fall.
As the English person on here it will be amusing that I did a 4th of July half-marathon, dressed in stars and stripes! My friend Mary Ellen (who is from Chicago) wanted to raise money for her school and had missed out on a proper race, so we did a half today and I wore my t-shirt from the last 401 Project challenge.
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I love that you were dressed in stars and stripes 🙂
Sounds like you made the most of the holiday. We’ve gone to a couple of our favorite restaurants and I was happy to see things were spread out. After our big spike in Covid here in So Cal I’m a little hesitant to go back now though.
Denise @ runheartfit recently posted…Coffee Talk: July Edition
It’s stressful to see the numbers going back up. Stay safe!