Hello December!
Kind of hard to believe that there are mere 30 days left in the year. November, like most of this year for me, went by in a blink. This Thanksgiving week felt especially short, but I enjoyed all the extra time with family, especially having my oldest home from school. Here’s how the workouts played out…
Weekly Run Down
Monday – 3-mile run
Tuesday – Orangetheory
Wednesday – Yoga
Thursday – Power walk with my husband & pup before feasting!
Friday – 4-mile run
Saturday – 5-miles
Sunday – Orangetheory
I finished November with 57 miles and have happily jumped on the OTF bandwagon for some great cross-training. On my other November goals, my plank streak is alive and well, and I made some progress on my 2020 race calendar. I will admit my eating habits have still been a bit hit or miss, but I have gotten back to meal planning which always helps. Overall, I would call November a win!
Wrapping up November and setting a few goals to close out 2019! #goals #last90days #runchat #keepshowingup Share on XDecember Goals
To close out 2019, my goals are pretty simple:
- Continue my plank streak
- Continue to cross-train 2x’s/week
- Revisit my PT exercises at least 3x’s/week
- Prioritize sleep
- Find a couple of half marathons to add to my race calendar
The cranky hip that flared up during the Chicago Marathon has been making some noise so getting back to my PT exercises is a must. My sleep was all over the place during November so I’m going to do what I can to set myself up for a better night’s sleep this month.
How was your November? Have you started planning your 2020 race calendar? Any half marathon suggestions?
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.
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Awesome job on your November goals and I’m so glad that you have joined the OTF bandwagon 🙂
I’m so glad you gave me a friendly nudge to get started!
Always fun to mix up your workouts glad to hear you are enjoying OTF so much. This month did fly by!
It is always fun to try something new!
I have a few races on my 2020 calendar…one of which is a half at the end of April (ahem…cough cough). There are several races I do every year, but none of those registrations is open yet…so they’ll be added eventually when I know the specific dates. Glad to hear Orange Theory is going so well!!
Where are you are running in April? We’re going to have to plan a meet-up in 2020!
Ha, ha, I’m kind of stalking the websites for a few races I want to do next year waiting for registration to open.
Happy stalking 😉
I’m glad you had a nice Thanksgiving and are loving OTF. That sky is amazing! Sometimes there’s an extra reward when you make it outside. I hope you tame your cranky hip!
I don’t know what it is but lately, the sunsets have been stunning! I’ll be giving this hip some extra love and hopefully, it will settle down.
Hope your hip starts to behave.
My November started great. A marathon a 15k and then a thanksgiving 10k and 5k.
Now my foot hurts so it’s ending on a downer.
I’m trying not to believe the worst since I have 5 halfs in the schedule including one in January.
I’m so sorry about your foot! Have you had it checked out yet?
You had a great blend of workouts over Thanksgiving week and a solid November overall! I have friends mumbling about doing Philly next year…and others wanting to run Space Coast. I’m totally up in the air at this point.
Some times there are almost too many options! Haha!
Great idea to prioritize the sleep and the PT exercises! I hope that helps out with the cranky hip.
I’ve really been slacking on those exercises so I have to change that!
well done thanksgiving week Michelle. Sorry to hear about your hip though. I think some of these things are just going to stay with us and we have to keep working those pre/rehab exercises no matter what. it’s easy to forget about when things are going well though, right? I’d say you had a good month. My November was ok too – I was trying to get some thoughts together about it and come up with a plan for December. In reality I think it’s going to be just hold on tight until the end but take things one day at a time.
I think you’re right about the situation with my hip – I think it’s going to be one of those things I always have to pay attention to. When I don’t it bites me in the arse.
I am hoping/planning? to do Revel Mt. Hood in June. Laurie @ Meditationsinmotion is actually already signed up for it. I’ve heard such great thing about that race company so I hope I can do it, but if not, they have very generous deferral policies (another reason to choose it).
OTF seems like a virus. 🙂
I’ve heard good things about that race!
I do feel like OTF is everywhere lately!
Let’s be accountable to each other for that SLEEP! Mine has been terrible – we have new kitties and it’s hard to fit everything in in the evening. Roll on the time they have free range in the house and we can just spend time with them as part of our evening, not a special thing!