The theme for this week was heat, humidity, run, repeat. Week 6 of Chicago training is in the books! Here’s a recap of how it all played out.
Chicago Marathon Training Week 6
Monday — 4 miles plus plank series. A nice, uneventful early morning run.
Tuesday — Strength training. After missing my strength session last week, it felt great to get in a solid workout focusing on hips, glutes, and abs.
Wednesday — 5 miles, at tempo pace plus plank series. Just like last week, this mid-week run was the highlight of the week. I hit my target pace and felt strong despite the rising dew point.
Thursday — 4.25 miles plus plank series. Tired, just tired – it was a slog from beginning to end. Thankfully, I had a massage scheduled in the afternoon – so needed!
Friday — Rest day!
Saturday — 8 miles on scorched earth!
Sunday — 8 miles on the treadmill
Total miles for the week — 29.25
Total miles on the road to Chicago — 104.15 (My son had asked how many miles I’ve logged so far so I thought I’d start keeping track)
Running 5x’s in a week
I ran 5 days this week and survived! Week 6 of @Chimarathon training is done! #weeklyrundown #mychicagomarathon #marathontraining #runchat Share on XLast Sunday Coach Marc sent me an email saying that he wanted me to try running 5 days/week. I will admit that I was a little nervous when I saw the week’s plan, but I’ve said from the beginning that my goal with this training plan has been to 1) – trust the plan and 2) be willing to get out of my comfort zone.
All-in-all, running 5 days wasn’t as bad as I had anticipated. My strategy was to just run the mile I was in and not worry too much about what was coming next.
The weather, of course, added to the challenge. Mother Nature seemed to up her game daily in the heat & humidity department and took things to a whole new level by the weekend. Overall, I feel like I managed Saturday’s run pretty well, but it was clear to me by how drained I felt Saturday night that I was just not up for a repeat performance. So, for as much as I am not a fan of treadmill running, it proved to be the lesser of two evils this morning.
Thankfully, this heatwave should break by Tuesday and logging miles should hopefully feel a little easier.
How are you holding up in this heat?
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.
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Great job this week, especially with those 5 days of running! I’m going to attempt to block Saturday’s run from my memory because that was just brutal! Great job getting in today’s run on the treadmill – definitely a smart decision!
Kim G recently posted…Weekly Run Down: Chicago Marathon Training – Week 2
Thanks Kim! Let’s hope we don’t have to live through another weekend that one again any time soon!
Glad to hear your treadmill run went well! The farthest I’ve ever gone on the ‘mill is 5 miles (or, maybe 6? if it was 6, it only happened once LOL). That’s a great accomplishment on your road to Chicago!
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Riding The HEAT WAVE
Thanks Kim. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I’ll be able to opt outdoors for the rest of this training cycle.
It’s been crazy hot! I’m trying not to focus on how much sweat is coming from my body but MAN – it’s so much!!! Lol! We’ll be wishing for these days in January, right?
angela @ happy fit mama recently posted…4 Balance Exercises for Runners
I don’t know…January’s looking pretty good about now! LOL!
I am really impressed with how far you have come with your running this year. You are really crushing it week after week. Nice job getting it done w the weather challenges
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Weekly Run Down A weekend in Aspen
Thanks so much Deborah 🙂
Great job on those 8 milers. I’m not sure which is harder – the heat or the treadmill for that long! Interesting on the 5 running days – did he explain why?
Coco recently posted…Hiding From The Heat Wave
I think the treadmill run was harder thanks in part to the first 8 – so tired! The 5-day approach is in keeping with the Hanson method which my coach prefers – spreads the volume of miles over more days. I’ll be curious to see how it all plays out as the weeks go on.
Great work getting all those miles in already, and in that heat – I’m in awe. Trust your coach but do tell him if you’re getting fatigued to the point of upset or hysteria – I know you will, though.
Liz Dexter recently posted…Sedate lady running 15-21 July 2019 #amrunning #running
Thanks Liz – and yes, my coach is good about checking in!
wow what a week Michelle! you did amazing! especially in the heat and humidity! I don’t know that I could have run 8 on Saturday and then 8 on Sunday. Seriously, that is tough but you smashed it out!!
we are due for the heatwave this week. this morning it was the perfect temperature. but now, the heat is rising. We’re likely going to see a very muggy 100F by Wednesday or Thursday. not excited about that!! We don’t have airco at home (hardly anyone does) so sleep tends to be awful. The airco at work is on full blast so it’s just really cold. So I have to have layers on at work and then strip off before I get outside again!!
I think the disruption of sleep is one of the hardest parts of the heat! Good luck with the heatwave – hope it passes quickly!!
A solid week of running.
8 miles on a “dreadmill” is a torture but you did it!
Black Knight recently posted…the Black Knight Tribute
Thank you!
Wow that is a lot of running – back to back 8 mile days. I’m a wimp. I rest the day before and after a long run even when it is only 6 miles LOL.
Good for you on surviving this heat!
That’s usually my approach too Darlene! This is all new territory for me!
I’m so impressed with your training so far! 5 days of running per week is a lot! Glad you didn’t let the heat stop you.
Wendy recently posted…The Joy of Running
Thanks so much Wendy!
Your son had a great idea to count the miles logged in training! I’ve been keeping track of all my miles in a small journal and doing weekly, monthly and year to date updates s I should go back and look how many I’ve logged in so far training for berlin!
Laetitia recently posted…2019 Berlin Marathon Training: Week 7
I think it will be fun to see those miles build up over time 🙂
Way to go getting your miles in!! The heat has been so nuts. The eight miles on the treadmill must have been hot and sweaty!
Sandra D Laflamme recently posted…Bringing Home the Bacon. All Out Trail Run Race Recap
I was a mess by the time that run was done! LOL!
THe heat has wreaked havoc on my motivation, so I’m just doing the best I can. I would love to have longer runs, but I just don’t see it happening until things cool down. It’s legit not safe.
Jenn recently posted…july’s ultimate coffee date: checking off the bucket list
I can’t even imagine how hot it is there in Florida!
That Mario meme is hilarious. Running in this heat? Girl hats off to you. Not only is that physically challenging but mentally too. Way to overcome both
Thank you!!
That’s a solid week of running! Great job on the back to back 8 milers!! I ran on the treadmill this week too due to the heat outside.
With this heat, it’s nice to have the treadmill as an option.
Only one short treadmill run last week so not so bad.
4 times per week is my sweet spot. Glad to hear that you’re managing ok with the 5, and you get brownie points for all the heat last week, too!
Judy @ Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Flexibly Mentally Gearing Up
Thanks Judy 😉
Omg what a week Michelle! What a trooper you are to push through the heat and get er done. Back to back 8 milers is no joke!
Marcia recently posted…2 Weeks of Intermittent Fasting
Thanks Marcia!