With February in the rearview mirror, it’s time to set a couple of goals for March. I like having these mini targets to keep me on track and accountable.
So let’s recap February and see what’s on tap for this month!
February Run Down & March Goals
Good things for the month:
- I had 3 goals for February – weekly yoga, daily pre-hab work, and beat my January mileage. I did a solid job on the first two but came up short on the mileage.
- Consistent strength training – beyond the pre-hab exercises I focused on core and upper body work.
- I got a chance to get a Dexa Scan and learned a lot! (In case you missed it, you can check out my post about my field trip here.)
Things I could do without:
- Ice, wind and frigid temps kept me indoors more than I wanted, and without a race to train for, I just didn’t feel as compelled to hit the mill for any real distance – and I’m ok with that.
On the decks for March:
- With 8 weeks until my first race of the year, Portland 10 Milers and then the Run to Remember Half a few weeks later, it’s time to start to get focused on a training plan.
- March Goals:
- Increase my weekly mileage
- Continue to work with Coach Marc on form drills and cadence
- Continue to make pre-hab exercises a regular habit
- Daily core work
New Ambassadorship!
I got a great start to my weekend when I opened my email Friday morning to learn I’ve been selected as an ambassador for Tailwind Nutrition! I absolutely love Tailwind – it is the one fuel I can count on with my often finicky stomach. I’m really looking forward to being a part of their team!
New Link-up!
If you hadn’t heard, Holly & Wendy decided to close down the Weekly Wrap – big thanks to both of them for hosting such a great link-up! Happily, Deborah and Kim announced the new Weekly Run Down link-up, so those of us who write a weekly fitness recap have a new place to connect and commiserate!
And that’s my run down. How did February treat you? Any big plans for March?
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I like your March goals, especially the cadence/drills one. I’ve been consistent with those since January and feel my leg turnover really improving. Congrats on the new ambassadorships too!
Becca | Rabbit Food Runner recently posted…Building into March
Nice to hear the drills are working for you! I’m finding it a little tedious but I know it will pay off later.
We had very similar weather for February. And, I’m moving on (hoping the frigid weather moves on as well!). I don’t think I knew about your two races, but my memory seems to come and go LOL I think my brain has been frozen from the weather. So glad you’re here with us on the WRD link-up!!
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Sorry, Winter…You will not break me
I’m finding I don’t remember anything if I don’t write it down these days! LOL! We can only hope Spring is coming soon!
I know that I could do a lot better with the pre hab! Thanks for joining the new link up
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Winter Running- Be Prepared From Head To Toe
Prehab is one of those things that I think is first to go when short on time, but I’m working on being more consistent.
Congrats on the Tailwind ambassadorship! I can’t wait to start building my mileage again — this time without Scooby! :-/ It’s really only 4 weeks to Cherry Blossom.
Coco recently posted…Joining The Weekly Run Down
Thanks Coco 🙂 And, wow just 4 weeks to Cherry Blossom?! I feel like time’s flying!
Your March goals seem solid and manageable, congrats. And yay on tailwind. You & someone else speak so highly of it, I need to remember to look for it at the next Expo
Cari recently posted…Physical Therapy Week 3
Thanks Cari – I’ve tried so many fueling options and can’t say enough good things about Tailwind!
One of my goals for March is also to do more core work. I’m starting off with 5 mins a day and hope to increase that as my core gets stronger.
Congrats on being selected as an ambassador for Tailwind!
Kim G recently posted…Weekly Run Down: Running Into March
Thanks Kim!
What kind of things are you doing for core work? I’m always looking for ideas to keep it interesting.
You had such a good month in spite of the crummy weather! Here’s to hoping that things will get better so we can all get outside.
Congrats on being selected to represent Tailwind. I can’t think of a company I love more!
Wendy recently posted…This is How I Know It’s Real
Thanks Wendy – very excited about Tailwind!
Congrats on your ambassadorship!
Excited you are running Run to Remember in March. I’ve run it before and enjoyed it. I hope you enjoy it too.
February was blah. Ran 21.5 miles since I couldn’t deal with the cold weather. I have my first race in March that I love and am very happy about it.
Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Weekly Run Down: More cold weather and getting back to running
I love Run to Remember – it’s one of my favorite half marathons! Which race are you running in March?
Good job with the February goals! I had a hard time with mileage in February too with the same situation, not training for a race and cold weather put a damper on motivation. But I’m going to get back to training in March too. Here’s to it being a good month 🙂
Chaitali recently posted…Weekly Review
Hope we both have a great March!
Feb was a bit of a rotten month in may ways, but I am embracing the positive and moving on!
I am excited for March and all that it has in store!
Congrats on your ambassadorship!
Esther recently posted…Introducing Six New Business-Oriented Themes
Thanks Esther – I’m pretty excited about Tailwind!
Congratulations on Tailwind! So many people love it!
I know you didn’t hit all your goals, but you did great! March will be even better! You’ve got some great things to look forward to, and you’re going to won it!
Hopefully that weather warms up, too! It has to, at some point, right???
Jenn recently posted…pushing through the month
Thanks Jenn!
Regardless of the weather you still seem to have had a good month. I know you wanted to have more mileage but fingers crossed you’ll definitely have that in March!
Congrats on your Ambassadorship! I don’t really know the product myself but have heard a lot about it!
it’s so good to do technique training! One of my training groups doesn’t really do it, but Vicent’s (also my gym buddy) group does – he’s kind of hard core about it! Now if we can all just get that core work in for marathon training…
I’ve never really done technique training before so it’s been interesting and challenging in a good way.
It is an impressive amount of training you are getting in each week. Do you find that daily core work is better than let’s say 3-4 times per week, and do you feel you have enough time to recover?
For core work I like to do something daily, but not necessarily the same thing. At a minimum, I find planks really effective – especially when I don’t have a ton of time for much else.