The theme for this week was definitely dealing with Mother Nature’s Antics.
Here’s how the week went down….
Monday — After a serious workout hauling the snow and ice that arrived on Sunday, I was feeling every ache and pain – DOMS was in full effect. Since it was MLK Day, I had the day off from work, and with the bitter sub-zero temps and weather advisory, it was the perfect recipe for a rest day.
Tuesday — 4-mile run. The roads and sidewalks were coated in ice so it was time to hit the mill.
Wednesday — Strength workout.
Thursday — Mother Nature decided to warm things up but threw in relentless wind and driving rain. Thankfully, I had plans to meet Coach Marc at the gym for some treadmill work. Marc videotaped me again and said he was really pleased with the progress I was making and the improvement in my form. We worked on a variety of drills before calling it a day with 4 miles done.
Friday — Fridays are usually my rest day and I was really feeling the need to lay low. So I embraced my rest day and made sure to pay a visit to the acupuncturist.
Saturday — Another ridiculously frigid morning. The plan was for 6-miles, but the reality was 3.25. It was just one of those runs were nothing felt good and despite all the layers, I couldn’t seem to warm up. I was just cold and miserable so instead of beating my head against the wall, I cut the run short.
Sunday — It was 32 degree which felt downright balmy! Time to get those missed miles from Saturday – 3 miles done. I followed up my run with another round of acupuncture.
The alternative theme for this week could have been dealing with the shoveling hangover! I felt really tired and achy most of the week – it was like I had a shoveling hangover from last Sunday and never shook it. I tried to be smart with the extra rest day and a couple of sessions with the acupuncturist. I still need to work on getting more sleep so heading to bed earlier will be a big focus this week.
And that’s a wrap!
I’m joining Wendy and Holly for the Weekly Wrap.
How was your week? Are you dealing with the polar vortex too?
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It’s funny that when we mix it up, we pay for it! I’m paying dearly for my marathon relay. But it was worth it! I know if I got out there to shovel snow, yep, soreness. This winter is just ridiculous. Glad to see that you’ve been able to keep up with your running!
Wendy recently posted…Hell is Actually Freezing Over
That relay sounded like fun! Good on you for trying something new!
Yep, Polar Vortex to the max in Iowa, too. I felt very achy after my massive shoveling workout on Wednesday, but when I hit the ‘mil on Thursday morning, things loosened up quickly. Totally not sure how that happened, becasue the ‘mill is usually a painful endeavor LOLl
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Take that, Winter!
Maybe with all that time you’ve been spending with Milly your body’s getting used to the mill? Glad you avoided the pain 🙂
Wow 32 degrees sounds divine about now. Seems like the weather has gone pear-shaped everywhere lately. I ordered Ozzy doggy boots and they arrived and they’re too small. Nooo!
Marcia recently posted…It’s All Fun & Games ‘Til The Mercury Drops
Doggy boots!? Too cute – hope you can get a quick exchange. Looks like my “heat wave” is short-lived as temps are supposed to plummet here again. I’m so over it already!
That photo of the raccoon made me LOL!
I was so thankful for my treadmill this week. There’s no way i could have done my weekly runs without it. Also it’s funny how anything about 30 degrees feels like summer, haha.
That’s great that your coach is already seeing improvements in your running form – great job!
Kim G recently posted…Weekly Wrap: Wrapping Up January
Thanks Kim! It was nice to hear him say he could see a big difference already!
LOL on the shoveling hangover. My legs are still trashed from my 12 miler Saturday.
I can believe it! That’s a lot of miles, especially when it’s brutally cold!
we had one warm day but it was raining.
Now the snow is coming and then back to sub-zero.
I surrender.
Darlene recently posted…Four Somethings for January
I know…I need Spring!
Shoveling really takes it out of you! We were lucky enough not to have to do any shoveling yet this Winter but I’m sure we’ll have some soon enough. That’s great that your coach is already seeing improvement with your form!
Chaitali recently posted…Weekly Review
I hope you can avoid any shoveling – would that be great?!
By the way, I wanted you to know that I’m reading your blog but still can’t comment. Didn’t want you to think I was ignoring you! 🙂
Thanks! I don’t know what’s going on with the commenting system on my blog 🙁 I’m trying to fix it but thanks for letting me know you’re still reading!
Chaitali recently posted…Weekly Review
The snow shoveling is a lot of work! I am always sore afterwards. Sleep is always a priority for me and I always try to get at least 7.5hours. Have a great week!
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Weekly Wrap surviving “Snurlough” week
7.5 house sounds heavenly! Hopefully, I can turn things around on that front this week.
We aren’t having any -0 weather, thank heaven, but I’m ready for spring anytime now!
Jenny recently posted…Better Me 360 Week 4: Emotional Wellness
I’m counting the days!
So 32 is balmy for you and 38 makes me want to enter hibernation for the next month or so. It’s funny how different our perspectives can be.
I’m glad your acupuncture is doing good things for you. I know it’s worked wonders for my husband and a friend.
Jenn recently posted…race report: starlight 5k bridge run {12.22.18}
That’s great that your husband finds acupuncture helpful. Have you ever tried it?
shovelling is HARD WORK Michelle! I don’t doubt at all that you had a shovelling hangover!
great news that your form is improving! that gives a little boost, doesn’t it?
Renée recently posted…Tuesday Topics #4 – Stinky Sports Clothes
It really does! Hopefully, all this work with the coach will pay off later.