And just like that, we’ve already reached the last Friday of the month, which means Marcia has opened the Runfessional.
So let’s get to it, shall we?
Last month, I runfessed that I was starting to really get fed up with some things about my gym. Well fast forward to the beginning of this week and don’t I receive an email announcing that the gym will be closing in a couple of weeks – what?! I runfess that even though there were many things about the gym that bug me, given it’s super close proximity to my house, I was dragging my feet on making a change – guess I have no choice now.
And, for those of you wondering, why not just bag the whole gym search altogether, I runfess that, until I can figure out how to fit a treadmill somewhere in my house, I’m not ready to give up that safety net when Mother Nature makes outdoor running treacherous.
At the beginning of the month, I had started to let my PT exercises slide, until last week when my glute and hip started to squawk just a little following a run. I runfess that I’ve become super paranoid about re-injuring my hip/hammy, so now I’m finding ways to make time for pre-hab like it’s my job.
While I was psyched to finally made it back to the kickboxing studio recently, I runfess that my push-up game is need of some serious help! The instructor had us doing several rounds as part of the warm-up and let’s just say the struggle was real!
Finally, I runfess… or is it blogfess, that I I have been hesitant to upgrade to the newest edition of WordPress. I had to work with the new 5.0 version for work and I’ve been pulling my hair out trying to figure it out. Call me a creature of habit, but I just don’t find it intuitive. However, I’ve run into issues lately replying to comments on my blog (forgive me if I’m slow responding to yours!), so I may need to give in.
So tell me, what are you runfessing?
I’m also linking up with Meranda and Lacy for Fridays with Fairytales and Fitness.
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I definitely get really complacent about doing the PT and post run exercises that I know I should be doing.That is annoying on your gym good luck on the search for a new one
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Rope Assisted Stretches For Runners
It’s one thing to know we’re suppose to do those things and then to actually make time to do them, right? 😉
Bummer about the gym closing. Hope you can find a decent alternative cuz, yeah a treadmill is kind of a necessary backup. PT is SO easy to let slide. Knock wood, I’m still seeing my Chiro monthly and it’s paying off.
Marcia recently posted…First Runfessions of 2019
It’s so great that the chiro is working for you!
That photo of the dog made me LOL. I totally feel you on the struggle when it comes to push ups. I have to get back to working more on upper body.
That’s a bummer about your gym but maybe it’s a blessing in disguise. Now you can hopefully find a better gym that you like more.
Kim G recently posted…Join Me For January Runfessions!
I’m telling you the push-ups were just sad! LOL!
Bummer about the gym. Maybe you will find a better one.
I can’t even do ONE push up. You got me beat.
Darlene recently posted…Friday Five – Runfessions for January
Hopefully, I will find a good one!
I’m definitely getting more serious about recovery! Now I’m scheduling my massages monthly. I”m back to the yoga mat again, too.
i am grateful for my ancient TM.
Wendy recently posted…Runfessions: January
Doesn’t a massage make a world of difference?!
I’m always paranoid about reinjuring myself for a while after I start feeling better.
Jenny recently posted…Fast Friday
Glad I’m not alone on this.
Well, you know how I feel about dear OLD Milly. Ironically, she’s been my companion on my last three runs…and will again tomorrow (since my race got cancelled). I’m thankful I have her as an option, but I certainly do not love her much.
It’s definitely so nice that you have Milly!
That stinks about your gym. It would be nice to give it up when it is on your own terms, but to have them tell you when you have to give it up isn’t as
Exactly! LOL!
Bummer on the gym! Do you have others to check out? I think many of us are on the new wordpress using the plug in to make it like the old one. 😉
Coco recently posted…December Runfessions
Luckily there are a couple of other options in the area – now it’s time to check them out.
Good to know about that plugin – I need that for sure 😉
Boo for your gym closing!
Hope you can find a new one that works really well for you!
I have yet to check out the new wordpress, but I am sure I will soon!
Esther recently posted…Relaxing Peppermint Latte
Fingers-crossed I find one I like soon!
Sorry about your gym! It reminds me of a local bar/restaurant that I would often complain about but suddenly closed for business. I’ll miss the convenience!
Hopefully your prehab will keep your hip/hamstring healthy and strong! I need to step mine up!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Runfessions – January 2019
It’s so easy to let the prehab stuff slide, isn’t it?
I can’t believe how fast January went by! I have the new version of WP, the good thing is you can choose to use the classic editor, which is what I have been doing until I can learn it all!
Angela Cardamone recently posted…Using Technology to Get Healthy
I’m so happy to learn that there is a classic editor option!
your gym is closing like FOREVER??? nice to let you all know WELL in advance! GEEEZ!!!
I have totally slipped on my whole routine this past week and there are exercises in that routine that help my glutes and hips… time to get back at it. Why is it so hard to just stick with these things?
I blogfess i had no idea about a wordpress upgrade… something else I need to spend time on I guess!!
Renée recently posted…Friday Five : January Runfessions
I know, right? A little more warning on the gym would have been nice!