Well, I had hoped to come out of the gates strong to start the year, but this migraine/cold/crud thing I’ve been dealing with since New Year’s Eve threw a wrench in those plans. Aside from some yoga on New Year’s Day, this week was largely about listening to my body and resting.
By Friday, I was itching to get out for a run and the stars aligned. It was in the 40s and sunny, I was feeling decent enough to try a run, and I had the safety net of my husband J, who was working from home, on standby if I needed to be bailed out. The hope was to get at least 3 miles, but I felt surprisingly good and decided to deviate to one my five-mile loops.
The run went really well, but boy was I wiped out afterward. Back to the yoga mat and cross-training in the form of putting my house back in order from the holidays. I’ll be back at it on Monday.
First race on the horizon
Laying low on my couch left me with lots of time to peruse all of the registration deals filling up my inbox. And first up on my race calendar this year will be the Old-Fashioned Ten Miler (OFTM)! This is a great race put on by one of the local running clubs. It’s been a few years since I’ve run it, and I love that its early date (Feb 17) will force me to not hibernate this month.
And that’s a wrap!
I’m joining Wendy and Holly for the Weekly Wrap. Be sure to stop by and show both of these great ladies some blog love!
How was your week? Are you good about resting when you need to?
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That’s a great quote about listening to your body. Glad you’re starting to feel better
Cari recently posted…Celebrating two years of running with a book giveaway
Thanks Cari!
I’m glad that you are feeling better! It’s no fun starting off the New Year with a cold 🙁
How fun that you already signed up for a race! I love that it’s a ten miler too. I wish there were more races in my area that were that distance.
Kim G recently posted…Weekly Wrap: Happy New Year!
The 10 miler is my favorite distance – unfortunately, there aren’t many around here either. I think all the race directors fell in love with the half marathon LOL!
Our house has been hit by the cold crud this week. Thankfully, mine was minimal but my son has been laying low all week. Tis the season! Hope this week is much better!
Ugh sorry you all got hit! So far I’m the only one in my house – I’m hoping to keep my son healthy and school-bound.
I am glad that you are finally feeling better! Those mid 40″s temps are my sweet spot now if we could just keep them there! I love a 10 miler happy training
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Add These Bodyweight Exercises At The End of Your Run
The 40’s are my happy place these days too. Keeping my fingers crossed that this mild weather sticks around for a bit.
It is great to see you smiling like that! I’m dealing with a cold right now so I get it. Hopefully, we can both put it behind us and have great runs here on out!
Wendy recently posted…Pop! Goes the Ego
Sending you some speedy recovery vibes my friend!
It was so nice to see that big smile after your run! I wish there were more 10-milers in my area! It’s such a great distance…not too long, but just long enough to be a challenge. I’m excited to hear more about your race in February!
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Running into the New Year
I love the 10-mile distance too for the reasons you mentioned. Why have they seemed to disappear? We have just a couple in this area.
Sorry to hear you’ve been poorly, too, I’m only just coming out of the cold I started on Christmas Eve – grrrr. You’ve been very sensible and that will really help. Onwards and upwards!
Liz Dexter recently posted…Sedate lady running 31 December 2018 – 06 January 2019 #amrunning #running
Oh no – sorry to hear you’ve been down too. Glad you’re feeling better!!
Sorry you were laid low, but glad you are on the mend. My hip issue gave me a scare around New Year’s and I was in such a funk over it, but luckily it behaved. That 10 miler sounds fun — and is pretty soon!
Coco recently posted…Doubling Up Workouts To Kick Off The New Year
So glad your hip is behaving! Sounds like you nipped it in the bud nice and early.
That’s great that you were able to listen to your body and get the rest you needed! I hope you feel better this week 🙂
Chaitali recently posted…Weekly Review
Thanks so much Chaitali!
So sorry about the migraine to start the new year. No fun at all! That 10 miler sounds like a blast. I love that distance! Can’t wait to hear how it goes.
Sandra recently posted…Why you should get a Mammogram. My Story.
I think the 10 miler is the perfect distance! Should be a fun race even if I’m far from “race shape” yet 🙂
I used to get migraines all the time but I have aged, they have disappeared (knock on wood.)
I love ten miler but our only one has been discontinued. I did do one in NJ a few years ago (Perfect Ten).
Good luck with your race.
Darlene recently posted…12.31.18-1.6.19 – Happy New Year!
It’s funny I used to get them all the time too, but used acupuncture to deal with them years ago and it’s been ages since I’ve had one. No idea what triggered this one.
it’s such a bummer you were not able to literally hit the ground running at the very start of the year but man that 5 miles must have been awesome!!
so your race is really local? That’s great!!
I do actually rest when I feel like I need it, but I also get cabin fever after a few days. I don’t feel good when I’m not active – being active actually helps keep depression away.
Renée recently posted…Week 1 -Thank You For Being So Kind
Yep local – just a 20-minute drive to the starting line! I will probably be mostly local this year, except for Chicago…unless I hit the lottery 😉
Liked that quote. I definitely listened to the whisper this week when my IT band started speaking. Thanks for sharing!
Marc recently posted…The Fit and Frugal Challenge Week 2
Hope that IT and stays quiet for you!
rest days are key to staying injury free. When you work your body too hard or too long without rest it can’t keep up with the recovering. So I am definitely for rest days 🙂
Jenny recently posted…Better Me 360: Physical Wellness
Yep – I am learning more and more to prioritize my rest days!
Glad you’re feeling better and the run agreed with you. How exciting to have a 10 mile race so early in the year! I’m pretty good about resting when I need to. Maybe too good….haha!
Marcia recently posted…9 Weeks of Tokyo Marathon Training and More Excitement Than I Can Bear
Thanks Marcia. I’ll be far from “race ready” with this 10 miler just a few short weeks away, but it will keep me honest and help me focus on base building.
Ugh. Migraines and crud. The perfect combination of misery. I’m so sorry.
I am terrible about resting. I do it, but I’m a big baby about it.
Jenn recently posted…weekly wrap: ’twas the week before christmas
Ha ha I think a lot of runners are terrible about resting. We just want to go, go go, right?
I know the cold weather has barely started but I’m ready for it to go already, haha. I’ve been way too good about resting lately–I need to get my butt back into working out!
I know what you mean – I’m so over winter already!
I hope you are feeling better! The OFTM race sounds like a good plan to combat hibernation. I wish we had more of that distance around here! Thanks for linking.
HoHo Runs recently posted…Looking Ahead…or Not (WW # 179)
I love the 10-mile distance, but there are so few around here.
It’s no fun to be get stalled at the start but that’s part and parcel of the journey. Glad that your are feeling better now.
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Thanks so much!