Well hello, Friday!
Maybe it’s playing catch-up after the holiday, but this was one crazy busy week and it went by in a flash. I am so ready for this weekend to begin! So let’s get things started with a little catch up over coffee…and a few runfessions thrown in for good measure 😉
Over coffee, I’d tell you that I’m wrapping up my third week of FASTer Way to Fat Loss. I won’t get on a scale until the end of the program, but I do feel like my clothes are fitting better – so that’s a win! While the FWFL program definitely has helped me to be more mindful of what I’m eating, I do runfess that there are days where constantly tracking my macros is making me a little crazy.
Over coffee, I’d tell you that I’m pretty excited to have made a return to acupuncture this past week! I have used acupuncture on and off over the years for a variety of things including migraines, blood pressure, and yes running injuries. When I started wrestling with my nagging hamstring/hip issue earlier this year, I started hunting for a new acupuncturist since my previous practitioner is no longer in the area. I’m psyched to have finally found one I like and am planning to go for another session this weekend!
Over coffee, I’d tell you that despite my love of kickboxing as a workout, I runfess that I realized the other day that I haven’t made it to a class in almost two months! Whoops! Between work and family schedules, getting to the studio for a class has been tough – I clearly need the flexibility to work out when it fits my schedule and not the other way around.
Over coffee, I’d tell you that I recently had my first experience of riding in the car with my son driving with his permit. Yeah, well I runfess that I’m either going to have to learn to seriously chill out or make my husband do all of the driving hours.
I’m linking up with Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date;
and with Marcia for Runfessions;
and with Meranda & Lacey for the Fairytales and Fitness link-up
Any runfessions to share? What would you tell me over coffee? Do you regularly attend fitness classes?
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Despite getting acupuncture for my furkids, I’ve never done it myself. I’m sure it would help! That’s great that you’ve found someone new to go to.
I was so terrified of having my Dad teach me to drive. He is not known for his patience. At all. But he was surprisingly good with me. That, and they got me into Drive’s Ed as soon as they could. 🙂
Judy @ Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Where does it all go?: Runfessions November 2018
I just bought a raffle ticket to win some acupuncture. We’ll see if I’m lucky. Your kickboxing and my spin class are in the same boat. I don’t get there either. I heard they got new bikes so now I’m worried I won’t even know how to ride them! Yay for surviving those first drives. I promise it gets better. I turned out to be the “calm” parent. Go figure.
Marcia recently posted…November Runfessions Over Juniper Latte
I hope you won the acupuncture – it’s definitely worth a try!
I was the parent who did the pre-license driving. My husband couldn’t handle it. Someone’s gotta do it…
My nephew is doing kickboxing and he loves it. I think I need to try it!
Wendy recently posted…Runfessions over Coffee: November
Definitely give a try Wendy – I think you’d like it!
I hated driving with my mom when I had my permit. She would freak out about everything. Good luck with that
Patrick@looneyfofood.com recently posted…Friday Favorites November 2018
Thanks I’m going to need it 😉
I literally used to break out in a cold sweat driving with my kids.I tried FWTWL last year and had lots of trouble running on an empty stomach. How is that working for you? Thanks for joining for coffee!
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Snow Day Corn and Black Bean Soup Meatless Monday
I didn’t realize you tried FWTFL. I don’t mind the fasted cardio up to around 5 miles, but after that, I need to have a little something.
I dont remeber my driving being that bad when I had my permit. Maybe my Mom thought otherwise…ha. Sometimes it’s not always about the number on the scale but how your clothes fit. So that’s a win right there. Great job! I wouldn’t be able to track my macros. Too time consuming….ha.
Lacey@fairytalesandfitness recently posted…Easy Peasy Creamy Potato Soup
The whole macro thing definitely requires a lot of effort!
Oh man I can imagine it would be so hard to drive with your own teen and of course teach them to drive. I’m also worried about OTHER drivers… I bet it is hard to teach a teen to drive defensively, which is what you basically have to do these days!
Other drivers have definitely proven to be a challenge – everyone’s in such a rush with no patience!
Oooh! Teaching kids to drive is hair-raising, isn’t it? I taught all three of our boys to drive. Hubby just didn’t have the patience. It was TOUGH! They are all good drivers now, though.
Laurie recently posted…Runfessions – November Edition
I swear I may not survive! LOL!
Since I taught at the same school my step kids went to, I let them drive me to and from school each day! It wasn’t so bad 😉
AmyC recently posted…Benefits of Joining an Online Fitness Challenge
I love that image from Modern Family! I think I did more of the driving with the kids than the hubby…he’s military-affiliated, don’t forget. His patience is not as “forgiving” as mine and my words are a bit kinder 😉 Glad the FWFL is working for you! Although I’m not doing the official program (I’d go nuts counting all the macros, too), I do a lot of fasted workouts. For me, it’s been an effective way to lose inches without needing to modify my eating habits much.
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Runfessions…Can We Talk?
Honestly, I think the fasted cardio is the key.
I still hate driving with my kids. It’s so stressful! So many people love FWFL, but I can’t deal with tracking my food at any level — or with fasting since I have mild hypoglycemia. I hope your new acupuncturist works out!
Honestly I’ve got to find a way to be calmer or he’s never going to want to drive with me!
I have never done acupuncture, but have considered it! I am glad it works for you…I may have to give it a try!!
Angela Cardamone @marathonsandmotivation.com recently posted…No-Cook Appetizers for the Holiday Season
I’m a big believer in acupuncture! Hope you get a chance to give it a try.
It’s so hard to find the time to get in all the workouts that we want so I totally feel you on the whole kickboxing thing. We just need one more hour in the day to make ll of out workouts, lol.
I’ve heard great things about the Faster Way to Weight Loss program. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on it!
One more hour in the day would definitely help LOL!
I’m glad you found an acupuncturist that you like! I had that done on me earlier this year and it was really helpful! :]
I really want to start kickboxing again sometime!
That’s great that you’ve found acupuncture helpful!
Oh the driving lessons….is it really that bad? LOL!
Seeing the acupuncturist sounds great. I’m very curious to see if they would provide me any relief.
I keep hearing about Faster Way to Weight Loss, I look forward to your results!
I’ve really been enjoying the acupuncture! If you have a chance to connect with one I’d say give it a try.