Marcia has opened the Runfessional, so let’s dive in shall we?
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I runfess that I think I’m starting to turn into a fair-weather runner. First, the heat and humidity made running a miserable experience this summer and there were days when I just punted in favor of cross-training in an air-conditioned studio. Now Mother N is raining on my parade literally and while I’ve done some runs in the light rain, I’m just not up for torrential downpours!
I runfess that while I have made good progress with the ornery hip/hammy issue, things are far from perfect. Some days I wonder if things are getting better or if my pain tolerance is just increasing.
Thanks to my nagging issues, I runfess that I’m trying to resist the urge to explore new shoe options – because, of course, shoes fix everything! It’s been ages since I was properly fitted for shoes, and as I was advising a new runner friend about the importance of being fitted I started wondering if I shouldn’t be following my own advice.
I runfess that none of my nagging issues has diminished my desire to run all the races! I’ve got fall races on the calendar, including one this weekend and the 2019 calendar is starting to fill up. Plus, there’s still a marathon to run. Optimistic or crazy…or a little of both?
I runfess that since I started following the macro life diet plan I have become obsessed with ways to sneak in more protein – I mean c’mon, there’s only so much meat, fish, and chicken a girl can eat, right? I’ve been on a quest for protein snacks beyond bars, so I was giddy to see Protes protein popcorn in my latest StrideBox!
So tell me, got any runfessions to share?
I’m also linking up with Rachel and Meranda and Lacey for the Friday Five.
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That’s funny. I wear the SAME shoe. I was thinking that I should have someone look at my gait and maybe try a new shoe.
I am a fair weather runner in that I will NOT run in the rain (unless it’s an expensive race.)
My foot hurt from the first step in my half to the last and yet I have not ruled out a full someday. Crazy, huh?
Darlene recently posted…RnR Montreal Runfessions
Honestly I think all of us runners are a little crazy 😉
I often wonder about getting refitted for shoes. I’d have to believe our form/gait/stride changes over time. Throw in a few injuries (and the body’s inherent ability to over compensate), and getting refitted makes total sense 🙂
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Runfessing…again
Yep that’s pretty much what I’m thinking too.
I really liked that last protein popcorn in the last Stridebox! I also have to do a better job of getting more protein in my diet.
Sorry that you still have some pain with your hip and hammy issues 🙁 Sometimes I think that I wanna stop running and try some new exercises/classes for a while but then I remember that I love running for my cardio.
Kim G recently posted…Join Me For September Runfessions!
I have the same thought – especially lately. I know I would miss running, but sometimes I wonder if a prolonged break would help.
I could have written this post! I was thinking about how I am turning into a fair weather runner on the way home from work today. It started raining and all I could think is that I don’t want to run in the cold rain tomorrow. Hopefully, it won’t rain. I must be getting old. At least I’m not the only one… LOL
Ha ha! You’re definitely not the only one 😉
Oh, interesting point on the pain tolerance. I think we do get used to a certain threshold but hopefully your are getting BETTER!That snack sounds interesting — I like the chickpea ones — Hippeas?
Coco recently posted…Rainy Runfessions
I saw the Hippeas but haven’t tried them yet, but I want to.
I don’t run in rain beyond a sprinkle either. Unless it’s a race then i bite the bullet. Protein popcorn sounds good!
Marcia recently posted…September Runfessions
The popcorn was definitely a win!
Ooooh, protein popcorn? How does it taste?
I was on the treadmill twice this week. Cold rain, no thank you! Luckily I won’t have to face that at tomorrow’s race!
The popcorn was good and the added protein is just such a win! And I so agree – life’s too short to run in the cold rain!
I don’t run in the rain anymore either, unless it is a race! I hope you are on the mend with your injuries!
Thanks Angela – it’s slow but steady progress 🙂
I’ve always been a fair weather runner… absolutely hate running in the rain …and extreme heat ….and extreme cold. Lol
I loved that protein popcorn in last month’s Stridebox. Heck, I like just about everything in every Stridebox because I love trying new products!
Teresa recently posted…September Runfessions
I’m the same way with trying new products and the StrideBoxes have been so good lately!
Shoes make such a difference!
I am sorry you are still dealing with nagging issues! I can totally relate as my knee is still not letting me run!
Hope you continue to get better and can run freely again soon!
I agree about the shoes – I’ll be curious to see how the fitting goes.
I’m glad that there’s progress on your hip/hamstrings! I hope it gets completely better soon!
I’ve been pretty terrible about macros lately but I’m probably gonna go back to that again at some point–it seemed to be working pretty well back when I was doing that!
Thanks Farrah 🙂
I’m glad to hear that your hip and hamstring are starting to feel better. Even if you’re in less pain, being refit for shoes might not be a bad idea.
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Chicago Marathon Weekend is One Week Away!
I agree – time for me to get to a running store!
It’s crazy that this year is almost over and it’s time to think about 2019 races! Since going through my PF drama, I’m starting to second-guess my running shoe selection as well.
Oh and that protein popcorn is amazing, I straight gobbled it up when I saw it in the Stridebox, lol!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Road to Recovery Weeks 7 & 8 Recap
This month’s StrideBox was so good, right?!
That’s funny: I have been LOVING running in the rain since it’s come back.
I runfess to buying an ultra book immediately upon signing up for my ultra and to eying up protein-enhanced Mars Bars!!
Which ultra are you planning to run?