It’s Sunday and just like that another week has flown by! After being able to step back a bit last week I’ll admit it was a little tough to find a rhythm this week.
Monday – Rest day
Tuesday – The plan called for hill repeats and I decided to hit the mill to bang these out. I had the gym to myself, which was a good thing given the amount of cursing that may or may not have taken place 😉
Wednesday – Scheduling and homework drama with my youngest (school projects are the bain of my existence!) got in the way of my weekly meet-up with my friend E so there was no strength workout.
Thursday – The plan called for a 4-mile cutdown run but nagging hip pain (yeah it’s back) had me pushing this run until the afternoon. When it came time to head out the door I got a text from E to see if I was up for meeting for a walk. I opted for the walk over my run. We got a brisk 3 miles done, and time spent with a friend did both mind and body some good!
Friday – I booked some time with my massage therapist to see if I could curb the hip issue. After some trigger point work, my hip was feeling much better, but the therapist warned me not to overdo it. (Cue the foreboding music!)
Saturday – It finally felt like a fall morning…cool and crisp enough that, while I wasn’t ready for long sleeves, I did break out the gloves! My hip started to protest around 5 miles and so I hit 6 miles and called it a day.
After a quick change, I headed to my boys’ school homecoming, where I spent a lot of time on my feet covering the cross country course to cheer my oldest and his teammates on. After his race, I left J and the boys to race home, change again and head to a work event. A lot more time on my feet, and I finally made it home by 1:30 a.m.
Sunday – Rest day. So yeah I didn’t do the best job heeding the therapist’s advice, and needless to say, my body’s not super happy with me today. Beyond stretching and rolling, not much else will be happening.
It’s frustrating to be back to dealing with the hip issue again. My therapist did raise the point that she didn’t think I had given myself enough recovery time once it started to feel better again before I dove back into training again..and as I was thinking things through during Saturday’s run, I’m thinking she may be right. Once again, I’m at the same point in a training cycle where it’s time to up the speedwork and mileage, and my body starts rebelling.
The return of the cranky hip is certainly not doing much for my lack of running mojo so hopefully, things will get back on track this upcoming week.
Have you ever pushed returning to running too quickly after an injury?
I’m joining I’m joining Holly & Tricia for the Weekly Wrap. Be sure to stop by and show these great ladies some love.
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I’m sorry that you are dealing with the hip pain again 🙁 I hope that it starts to feel better with some extra rest.
I’ve never done hill repeats on the treadmill but I might do that for my next training cycle!
Kimberly recently posted…Weekly Wrap: The Past 2 Weeks
Thanks Kim. I’m feeling like it is time to do something different to get out of this cycle.
hill repeats on the treadmill sound positively evil. (of course, most anything on the ‘mill is evil LOL) Total bummer about your hip…I am so paranoid with my recovery. Even though I’m not really recovering from an injury, I’m still apprehensive about taking things too fast (even if all feels good).
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Ready to RALLY
Ha yes they were evil! Actually, I found doing them on the mill kept me honest on pace and effort, and ironically it was my best workout of the week…go figure!
Oh, boo! I haven’t been perfect with letting my PF heal, but I did cut way back more than I ever have before. It’s hard, but it’s worth it — and tolerable if you can do other things.
Coco recently posted…Laying Low Before The Runners World Half
That’s what really gets me – the hip’s fine doing other things, but it really doesn’t like running at the moment 🙁
I had a bout with bad hip pain last winter. It would hurt just to ride a few minutes in a car. Although it’s not perfect, it is so much better when I do my PT exercises on a regular basis (at least 300 reps of various exercises on each side). I hope you can figure out what works for you! Thanks for linking!
Thanks Holly – me too!
I am always hopeful that whatever issues I have in my hips will go away with a massage but that rarely happens. Wishful thinking I guess.
I can understand the homework drama! Kids have so many projects to do for school and I know it not only stresses the students out but the parents too. ( my friends were just talking about this same topic tonight).
Oh my goodness the school projects are in full force – it’s crazy!
Ugh so sorry your hip is acting up. I’ve got plenty of experience with cranky hips and I well know how frustrating it is. Glad you went and got some therapy that made it feel better.
Marcia recently posted…Running Burns Off the Crazy
Thanks Marcia – this hip seems to be the one thing I can’t get past this year 🙁
So sorry to hear that you are dealing with the hip pain again when you are gearing to ramp up your training. When I first started running and I was a “naïve newbie” I trained through IT band syndrome for a full marathon. Not my finest moment but I was determined to finish my first full after I already signed up for it. I’ve become a little smarter since then lol.
Hopefully this clears up for you quickly!
Sara recently posted…UBHM The final week of training!
I have done that in the past too – trying hard to be smarter about things this time round!
My hubby is battling with on/off hip pain at the moment and it’s so frustrating for him. Ggrr. Hope you are feeling better real soon.
Shathiso recently posted…Road to Soweto: Training Recap, Week 6
Oh no – hope your hubby gets some relief soon!
Ugh, sorry the hip pain is back 🙁 I hope that it gets better quickly and there’s time to give it a little extra TLC. How nice that you had the gym to yourself for the hill work. I love it when that happens.
Chaitali recently posted…WDW Marathon Training – Week 7
Having the gym all to myself was a great treat – can’t remember if that’s ever happened before.
I ALWAYS push the return to running after an injury too soon. As soon as I start feeling better, I start running again only to feel the old familiar aches and pains coming back. I’m hard headed.
Hope yours is just a fluke and will cooperate for you. It is just so frustrating!
Teresa recently posted…Marathon Training Week 7: Fall’s Arrival
I’m hard-headed too 😉
It’s so hard not to over do it when coming back from an injury. I still battle the PF on and off and have to restrain myself even when I feel good. Hope a few days off will help you feel better.
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Sheet Pan Eggplant Cous Cous + Cookbook Giveaway
I didn’t realize you were still dealing with PF on and off – how annoying!
Ugh. I hope that hip pain improves for you. And blah to school projects! My kiddos aren’t school age yet, but I’m already dreading that…
Oh yes we’re in full swing on the school projects now – feels like there’s at least one a week!
Sorry to hear about your hip issues. I’ve been fortunate to run injury-free, but I am not a very aggressive runner!
The Accidental Marathoner recently posted…Race Recap: 2017 Marine Corps Marathon
Yay for injury-free! Hope it stays that way for you!
I have a wonky hip. It doesn’t hurt and there’s no pain, but it lets me know it’s there. I’m getting my first massage in over 10 years on Sunday, so I’m curious to see if it makes a difference. I don’t know that I’ve pushed my “return” but I probably could have held off on running for a little longer. Maybe.
Jenn recently posted…weekly wrap: 10.8.17 – 10.21.17
Hope you enjoyed your massage!
Curious what’s going on with that hip. I hope you find some answers!
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Never Underestimate the Power of New Shoes
Me too Wendy – I’ve got to get to the bottom of this once and for all!
Oh no! Sorry to hear about the hip.
Nicole @Fitnessfatale recently posted…Raptor Ridge Trail Half Marathon Race Report – 12 Weeks Pregnant With Twins
Thanks Nicole!
Sorry to hear you are dealing with hip pain again. Hope it feels better soon!
Sharon recently posted…CIM Marathon Training Week 13 & Weekly Wrap: 10/16-10/22
I appreciate it, Sharon.
Hips!!! Ugh! I’ve had SI joint/hip flexor problems for a few months now. It’s the same cycle of being active and being in pain. I’m really due for a massage so I’m hoping that helps. Even taking time off running hasn’t helped me. Back to focusing on strengthening my hips/glutes etc.
Anna @ Piper’s Run recently posted…Weekly Workouts; Run, Soccer, Cycle.
Yep! Sounds like we’re dealing with the same issue! It’s a bummer to hear that time off from running hasn’t helped. Hope the strength training does the trick for you.
Ooh I’m so sorry about your hip, hoopefully rest and stretching should sort it? The first time I was training for a half-marathoon (almost 4 years ago now) I got shin splints REAlLY badly and just continued to train through them, until I had to go for an X-Ray for a suspected stress fracture… Luckily it wasn’t fractured, but that was the wake-up call I needed to make sure I took recovery seriously!
Unfortunately, it’s very easy to get fixated on a training goal and not want to pull back.
I hope your hip is feeling better soon! I have been there and sometimes the treadmill is the best plan during the flare ups for me!!
That’s interesting that being on the treadmill has helped you. I’ve been using the mill a little lately but not very much.
Ugh hope your hip issue gets better. I have been battling one myself and it sicks for sure.
TOni recently posted…2017 Cocoa Beach (Wk 14) & Naples (Wk 3) Half Marathon Training Recap
Ugh sorry about your hip — seems like a few of us are dealing with the same issue.
I’m sorry to hear about the ongoing pain. Make sure that you don’t push yourself too hard too soon.
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…2017 Chicago Marathon Recap
Thanks Kathryn I’m going to try not to!
You getting a massage reminds me it’s been far too long since I’ve scheduled one. I hope it helped you. I’d be guilty of not giving myself enough recovery time too. recently posted…Weekly Wrap 116 Tailgating
Oh, Tricia make sure you get yourself a massage soon! Always does wonders for me!