It’s the last Friday of September (what?!?) so it’s time to join Marcia for some runfession fun!
While I really enjoyed the experience of meeting up with the other SS ambassadors at the Wicked Half, I run-fess that the race itself left me feeling meh! The course was open to traffic (I’m never a fan) and while the police were great at managing the major intersections, the course had no cones or other markers to let drivers even know there was a race going on. Cars often got a little too close for comfort and I saw many runners moving to the sidewalks vs. dealing with running next to cars.
I run-fess that I doubt that this is a race I’ll be running again.
I recently got all fired up about the fact that I need to do a better job about my nutrition. I run-fess that I bought this a couple of weeks ago and have yet to crack the seal on it! (Going to change that this weekend)
I run-fess that it is a pet peeve of mine when runners can’t be bothered with acknowledging other runners. There’s one woman I see on my runs quite often and she never gives a nod, wave, eye contact…nothing. I’ve seen her do it to other runners too so I don’t take it personally – but I do think she could make even the smallest effort.
I run-fess that while I’m not trying to look past my November half marathon, I’m already eyeing 2018. I’m feeling the need to take on a new challenge – the what?… I’m not sure yet.
It's the end of the month and time for some runfessions! #FridayFive #runchat Share on XWhat are you run-fessing?
I’m also joining Rachel and Lacey & Meranda for the Friday Five link-up!
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I’m sure that protein is wonderful but there’s something about those 2 words strung together BONE BROTH that gives me the creeps. Ugh no traffic cones is just wrong.
Marcia recently posted…Berlin Marathon Runfessions
I really am not a fan of run courses being open to cars. It’s just too unsafe. Glad you got to meet up w other SS ambassadors though that’s always fun
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…September Runfessions
I hate when I smile or wave at other runners and I get nothing back in return. It’s like C’mon, you can’t even smile back?! So rude!
I hate when courses are open to traffic. I’ve done a few races like that and I never run them again – it’s just so dangerous to me!
In 2018 I want to focus on running half marathons in more states. I’ve already signed up for the Cleveland Half (Ohio will be a new state for me) and RnR Philly (it will be my third and final time doing that race).
Kimberly recently posted…5 Reasons I’m Excited to Run the Chicago Marathon
I give a hand wave to runners I see if they are looking at me. But mostly I see dog walkers. If it’s someone I see every morning, I give a little wave! It feels weird not to.
Megan @ Meg Go Run recently posted…Friday 5
Omigosh, we’re totally on the same wavelength today! I totally hate when runners don’t acknowledge me or wave back either. How rude!!
I ran the Mississippi Blues marathon and that race was not laid out the best. There was one point where runners had to cross 6 lanes of traffic!! The police were there but they weren’t holding traffic – they alternated between holding runners and then holding traffic some. And not all the cars were happy about it. I was so glad when I crossed the street!
Ugh, I would not be happy about the open course. Thanks for that heads up – won’t be adding that race to my future race list.
I haven’t really even begun considering 2018 yet. Probably because I have my big race of the year in 3 weeks.
MCM Mama Runs recently posted…Some things I must runfess…
Yeah the open course thing is a deal breaker for me too. I wish they had made that clear in advance.
A pet peeve of mine is when a race course includes traffic!
I runfess I too am eyeing up 2018 races! I may be signing up for one tonight!
Oh fun – which race?!
I kind of wonder about runners who never acknowledge other runners, too…. I don’t think I would like a race that allowed traffic on the course either.
I wonder too – can’t seem to understand why they can at least acknowledge in some way.
I also can’t stand the runners who don’t acknowledge you (or even look down or away as you approach each other). I’m not looking to start a conversation, really! It’s just so odd when I say hi or wave and there is no response. It’s just common courtesy!
You know, it doesn’t take much effort to notice other runners. A simple hi, hello or head no is easy to do silly runners!
Ha! I should put that on a t-shirt for my next run 😉
Some people are just extremely shy, and it often comes across as snobbish and/or arrogant. I’m not making excuses for this chick…but its’probably her and not you that’s the problem LOL Good for you, though, in that you’re trying to extend a friendly gesture 😉
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Runfessing: Was It Fate?
Thanks Kim – I just love how supportive the majority of runners are out on the road – acknowledging each other’s effort!
I love that you are looking a a new challenge – that was one of my runfessions, too. Feel free to come join me for The Booby Trap LOL!
I hate when people are rude like that. I know some of them are in a zone, but they absolutely see you. And it takes nothing to nod or smile. Oh well.
Jenn recently posted…friday runfessions – september edition
Runners who don’t respond to my greeting sort of bring me down. I would love to know what they’re thinking when someone greets them.
I’ve been reading a lot of posts about races having open courses and dangerous situations. It’s really sad.
AmyC recently posted…Great Places to Run for Visitors in Budapest
Ugh on the race not having cones even! I did feel sorry for the cars stuck waiting at intersections during my race last weekend but I’m so glad the cops never held me up — I’m not sure I would have been able to start up again once I stopped!
Coco recently posted…September Runfessions
Open courses are tough! I also just got a thing of bone broth I haven’t opened yet. Haha!
Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted…Five Fun Mugs For Coffee Lovers
Oh that’s incredibly frustrating about the other runner who doesn’t like to acknowledge others. A simply wave, smile, nod, etc. goes a long way.
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…October 2017 Goals
Exactly! Oh well…just can’t figure some people out!