Happy Friday!
It’s the last Friday of the month so, of course that means it’s time to share some runfessions! Thanks to Marcia for this always entertaining linkup!
Runfession: I have just a few days left in this month’s Winter Challenge, and I runfess that I’m ready to be done. I have so enjoyed the camaraderie of the other women on the BGR team, but I’m just not a streaker.
Runfession: I’ve been a little…shall we say cranky since my slip on the oil slick. With the strength work I’ve been doing I was feeling pretty strong, and so this setback feels a little deflating.
Runfession: On the brighter side, spending more time in the gym cross training means I’ve been witness to a whole new group of gym characters! I confess it is pure entertainment and does make the time go by – though I wish I could unsee the older gentleman who insists on wearing sheer tank tops (just no!)…and can someone please explain to me why 20-something guys think jeans are workout wear?
Runfession: It’s only January and I already may have to alter my race calendar. Family schedules are conspiring against me, and short of cloning myself I may end up having to take a pass on next week’s 5 miler. Luckily I had procrastinated registering so I won’t be out any money.
Runfession: I have fallen hard off the early morning workout wagon. It’s just been way too easy to just hit the snooze …ok 3 times…and then there’s no time to workout before the getting the kids to school, work, etc. But I dislike the feeling of trying to jam a workout in late in the day, so it’s time to chase down that wagon and climb back on.
5 Runfessions for January! What do you runfess? #runchat Share on XSo c’mon share…what do you runfess?
I’m also joining Rachel from Running on Happy and Lacey & Meranda from Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five link-up!
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For a non-streaker you’ve done a great job! I runfess that I have failed to keep up with my daily yoga challenge and I’m a little nervous about increasing my interval run this weekend.
AmyC recently posted…Hiking: Wilson Trail Stages 1 and 2
Hope your interval run went well!
Ack. There are some things you just can’t un-see no matter how much you want to! I hope you’ve recovered from that fall. I’m afraid to sign up for more races because work things may come up, but I need to just do it and deal with it later if I haveto.
Coco recently posted…New Exercises To Challenge And Strengthen Your Core
I know…I cross my fingers every time I register for a race and hope I don’t end up with a family conflict.
Oh yes, my retinas are damaged by some of the stuff I’ve seen at the gym. Let’s not even talk about the old guys at the pool and in the hot tub. I have a tri in May and a race in June that I’m holding my breath about. Those months are crazy busy.
Marcia recently posted…January Runfessions
Oh I know what you mean – my goal race for the spring is in May and I’m just hoping the boys don’t end up with any tournaments that weekend!
It’s easy to fall off the early morning workout wagon! I always have good intentions to get up and run and then I end up turning off my alarm!
I got into a habit of staying up late around the holidays and I haven’t gotten out of the cycle!
Haha, I like that meme “I jumped” off the wagon!
I can SO relate to the characters at the gym. That could be an entire blog post on its own! Oooh, there’s a new idea for ya!
I’ve actually done posts called “gym crazies” – might be time for another edition 😉
January is tough seriously the fact that we can all hang on is admirable in my book! Just keep moving forward
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Runfessions January Edition
So true Deb – just keep moving! 🙂
Hahaha! Old guys in sheer tanks! This cracks me up! I managed a gym for a couple of years and trust me …I’ve seen it all!! I even witnessed a guy lift his shirt and “strum” his abs like a guitar while admiring himself in the mirror! lol Gym people are interesting folks!
Teresa recently posted…January Runfessions
Seriously?! That’s hysterical! It’s so funny the behavior that goes on in a gym!
I don’t go to a gym, but if I did I’d probably spend too much time people-gauking (and rolling my eyes) and not get anything constructive accomplished. I didn’t runfess this…but I have been getting into a nasty routine of waking up early, then simply “lounging” in bed for much longer than necessary….
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Time to Runfess…
I gotta be honest I don’t love the gym – the distraction of people watching is what often gets me through my workouts.
I’m sorry that fall threw you off your mojo. Hopefully you’ll get back in the groove soon! The streak sounded really cool but I’m with you…I’m not really into streaks….I was doing one with City Fit Girls and then I realized it was more work than I wanted to do, lol.
Exactly – the whole streaking thing makes running feel like a job to me!
I used to be a diligent early morning runner. Now I wait until about 10 am to get a run in. I kinda like it better. 🙂
If I could make 10 work with my work schedule that would be my ideal time for sure!