We’re at the end of another month (How is that possible?!?!), which means it’s time for the July edition of Runfessions – a chance to share your confessions about your runs, swims or gym time. Link up with Marcia from Marcia’s Healthy Slice and join us!
Runfession #1 — OK let’s just get this one out of the way…the heat and humidity have been relentless and I am so done! Sadly, we haven’t even reached August yet.
Runfession #2 — Needless to say that this heat is really testing my mental game. I think I need to find a mantra to focus on when things get tough…might be better than cursing like a sailor which I’ve been known to do lately. I’ve been trying out a couple of phrases but nothing’s caught on yet.
Runfession #3 — I may have scolded a man at the track yesterday. Bad enough he was pushing a stroller on the track, but for some unknown reason, he made a u-turn in the middle of his lap and decided to head the wrong way and in my lane. Seriously?! The only thing that kept me from letting lose a curse word or two is that he did have a child with him.
Runfession #4 — Remember my eavesdropper from the gym? Well I spied her the other day and I’m happy to report that she finally got a trainer of her own. I must admit it took some self-control to not go over and hover while she was working out 😉
Runfession #5 — And speaking of the gym, I must confess I felt a little bada$$ the other day when I finished my strength session with Trainer Stacey and caught the looks of surprise on a couple of the high school guys working out nearby. They clearly didn’t think someone their mother’s age could haul so weights!
OK so now it’s your turn….what do you run-fess? Do you use mantras?
I’m also joining Courtney, Mar and Cynthia for the Friday Five
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Ha! I love that you shocked the high schoolers. Way to show ’em. Glad to her the evesdropper hired her own trainer. About time. Yikes on the track stroller. Seriously what are people thinking?? Thanks for linking!
Marcia recently posted…Runfessions, Swimfessions and Some Trailhead
Seriously it’s been a couple of months with the eavesdropper – if she didn’t get her own trainer soon I was going to have to invite her to join me 😉
The heat really hurts my mental game too. I love the summer but I’m sooo over the heat now. Can wait for crisp fall morning runs!
Crisp fall mornings sound so good right about now!
Way to show those teens at the gym! I can’t believe someone would push a stroller around a track. Wouldn’t that be super boring for a leisurely walk anyway? I’m already counting down the days to fall. 😉
I couldn’t believe someone would push a stroller on a track either – especially with multiple runners and walkers already out there when he showed up. Just bizarre!
Usually the heat and humidity doesn’t get to me but this yr it has been brutal. I just went a wk without running bc of the heat. I am not a member at a gym so a treadmill was not an option. I wish it would storm so it would cool off a bit.
lacey@fairytalesandfitness recently posted…I Got the Golden Ticket! ( and a vlog)
I agree I think the h&h has been pretty tough this year. Hopefully we’ll all get a break soon!
How weird that the guy with the stroller made a u turn on the track! I wonder what he was thinking. Way to go with the weights at the gym!
chaitali recently posted…Friday Five – things I like about Summer running
I’ve had some odd track encounters, but that was definitely one of the odder moments!
Oooh, I love when I crush expectations of those young skeptics! Yep. Don’t count me out!
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Runfessions for July
The looks on their faces were priceless – wish I had had a camera 🙂
“Embrace the suck” is the only mantra that works for me in this weather. And letting go of any pace goals. It’s just not happening. I had to quick a popular track workout series because I was getting road rage.
Coco recently posted…Summer Slump Runfessions
Track road rage is a real thing for sure! I’m tempted to post my own sign at our local track with some basics on track etiquette!
oh the heeeeeaaattt! and it’s not even normal summer heat, that I can deal with but this feels like 100+ and humidity is just wrong. Doesn’t it feel great to haul a$$ on weights?! good on you for getting noticed! 😉
Mar @ Mar on the Run recently posted…DC Fitness: Hiking at Great Falls Park, VA
It has definitely not felt like a normal summer with this humidity! I don’t want to wish away days, but I’m ready for fall!