National Running Day 2015

Happy National Running Day!

Today is a day to celebrate all things running…not that runners really need an excuse to celebrate šŸ™‚ Ā But who knows, maybe someone will be inspired to lace up for the first time! And, from the look at my inbox, it looks like there will be a lot of great deals for both gear and races available today – never a bad thing, right?

2015 national running day

Fellow SweatPink Ambassador Kristen from Jonesin’ for a Run invited a bunch of us to answer the questions of her running interview for “a look into my miles” – so here goes…

national running day interview

1. Why do you run? There are so many reasons why I run…my sanity, my health, for the challenge…because it helps me to be a betterĀ version of myself.

2. How do you plan to celebrate National Running Day? After being sidelined these last few weeks, being able to run today makes me smile.

3. How many miles have you run so far this year? Ā I honestly haven’t checkedĀ – thanks to over 100 inches of snow this winter (forcing me to deal with treadmill runs) and my left knee woes, there have not been a lot of miles. But I’ve got 7 months of 2015 left and I plan to make the most of them!

4. What big events do you have on the race calendar so far this year? My race calendar has been a bit of a moving target, but I am really looking forward to running RnR Philly and RnR Vegas. I’m looking for an early fall race and would like to get a couple of shorter distances in.

5. Before I leave for a run IĀ must have: Ā Garmin, iPhone, earbuds, SPIbelt, Ā usually a hat /visor, and, if it’s really bright, sunglasses.

6. Do you have one favorite app to track your runs? Ā I haven’t tried any of the running apps yet.

7. Who is your favorite running partner? Of late, my husband has beenĀ running with me on the weekends, otherwise I run solo.

8. What races have you ran so far this year? Just one – the BAA 5K with my family…always fun!

9. If you had to give someone one piece of advice about running what would it be? Run for yourself and don’t get caught up in the comparison game.

10. Ā Describe your relationship with running in one word: Complex

Kara quote

What one word would you chose?Ā 

Check out how others answered these questions or answer yourself and link up with us!Ā 



  1. Dapinder says

    Glad you’re able to run today for National Running Day! I agree – the comparison game is detrimental to living up to the best healthy version of oneself!

  2. Coming back from injury and appreciating the run sounds like a great way to celebrate to me!
    Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…Reston Sprint Tri Recap & What’s next?My Profile

  3. Your word made me laugh – so true! I hope I’m as positive during my lay-off as you have been!
    Coco recently posted…Celebrating National Running DayMy Profile

  4. So glad you’re getting back to running in good health! I am so conflicted about RnR Philly, but since it’s a new course it may be worth a shot, plus I’d love to meet you there! I hope we don’t have another awful winter next year, it definitely made it tougher to get out there!
    Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…National Running Day 2015My Profile

  5. I love that your husband runs with you on the weekends. My workouts with my husband are some of my favorite moments of our week! šŸ™‚
    Rachel recently posted…At Home Workout RoutineMy Profile


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