Friday Five – Race Memories

Linking up with the fun ladies of the DC Trifecta again this Friday. Today’s theme – Race Memories…so come take a little walk down memory lane with me!


Boston’s Run to Remember — My first half marathon! Without a doubt, this will go down as one of my all time favorite race experiences! My whole family turned out in force all along the course to support me, and my husband surprised me by ordering matching shirts for everyone. Best cheer squad ever. I smiled the whole race!ย (Recap HERE)IMG_0717






Philadelphia Half Marathon — This was the first time I’d traveled to a race. I just loved everything about this race experience – as you can see from this picture ๐Ÿ™‚ Loved the course and the crowd support — so much so that I’m going back this November! (Recap HERE)


ZOOMA Cape Cod Half — What made this race fun was all about the people! I was a race ambassador and the other ambassadors were a great group of ladies to get to know. Also got to meet Sarah & Dimity of Another Mother Runner fame. But best of all it was a fun girls weekend with my running buddy E – we both PR’d and had a blast together! (Recap HERE)


The Time I Played Race DirectorYep one of my favorite race memories is of a race I didn’t even run. A couple of years ago I took on the crazy, stressful and very rewarding task of being race director for the local 5K and kids’ fun runs to benefit my sons’ school. I was both thrilled and exhausted by the time the day was done, and I had developed a serious appreciation for all that goes into race planning. A very worthwhile experience and while everyone can’t play race director, I seriously encourage every runner to volunteer at a race at least once! (Recap HERE)

My Son’s 1st 5K — For those of you who’ve been around here for a while I’m sure you’re not surprised to see this one on the list of my top race memories! Nothing better than watching your child push themselves to reach a goal…and being asked to come along for the ride ๐Ÿ™‚ (Recap HERE) ย picmonkey_image (5)

Be sure to check out the link-up with Cynthia, Courtney & Mar — I’m looking forward to reading about everyone’s memories!





  1. Great race memories Michelle!!
    AmyC recently posted…Fitness Friday: Stand Up Paddle-boardingMy Profile

  2. Awww great memories for sure!

  3. I have heard many great things about the Philadelphia marathon. I hope to do it one of these years but this year I will be doing Vegas the same weekend.
    Lacey@fairytalesandfitness recently posted…5 Ways to Preserve Race Memories and A Peek Inside Our ScrapbookMy Profile

  4. I met Dimmity and Sarah at the Annapolis Zooma a few years ago. It was my first one and they really talked me off the ledge. Happy Friday Five!
    Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…Friday Five-Favorite Race MemoriesMy Profile

  5. Great memories! I love your medal holder!
    Courtney @ Don’t Blink. Just Run. recently posted…Face The Music Friday #46My Profile

  6. Being a race director must be a great experience. Seeing a race from the “other side” I am sure provides a totally different perspective and appreciation for all that goes into the planning.
    Karen – Fit in France recently posted…Friday Five : Five race memoriesMy Profile

  7. Wow! Being an RD is so stressful and that is super impressive!!
    And of course, your kid’s first race has to rank amongst your favorites!!
    Smitha @ FauxRunner recently posted…Race Memories: Friday FiveMy Profile

  8. Love these memories, and I remember a lot of them. I hope to race with you someday!
    Coco recently posted…Favorite Race RecapsMy Profile

  9. love it. love that it’s a family affair in your house — that’s totally how it should be ๐Ÿ™‚
    Courtney @ Eat Pray Run DC recently posted…Friday Five: 5 Race Memories!My Profile

  10. These are cool. I direct a race every year called Water Drop Dash 5K to bring awareness about water supply in Atlanta. I am always more tired after that than any race I have ever run! I love seeing kids in races I do. They really bring so much passion and fun!
    Kathy Nguyen recently posted…Surprisingly SmoothMy Profile

  11. This is awesome. Philly is on my list for someday! And I love you included your sons first race. He’s adorable.
    Mar @Mar on the Run recently posted…Friday Five: Favorite Race MemoriesMy Profile

  12. They sound like great race memories! I will have to go back and read all your recaps ๐Ÿ™‚ Would love to do Zooma Cape Cod.


  1. […] while ago, I was reading Michelle’s post over atย Running With Attitude — Friday Five – Race Memories, where she wrote about her five most memorable races. ย It was very motivating to read about them […]

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