I’m always looking for a way to work smarter and maximize my workouts, so when I was contacted about being a brand ambassador for X2Performance® as part of a limited time program, I was very intrigued. I had first heard of X2Performance when Beth from Shut Up & Run made it a key part of her Ironman Florida training last year. Back then I was curious and wondered if this would be a product for me – I mean I wasn’t training for an Ironman – was it something I could benefit from? But, I never got around to learning more about it.
So I was really psyched when I was contacted about being part of the X2Performance spring program! Before signing on, I wanted to check out the ingredients. From their site I learned that the X2Performance’s patent-pending BIOIDS® Advanced Cellular Formula is comprised of glucose, bioenergy RIBOSE®, PEAK ATP® Disodium, Coenzyme Q10, natural caffeine, D-Pinitol, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. The goal of X2Performance is
to support ATP production – the body’s essential unit of energy – to naturally increase energy, enhance endurance and improve recovery. X2PERFORMANCE® works so athletes get the most out of every workout and maximize performance.”
Sounded good – I was ready to try it for myself and I joined #TeamX2!
(As a brand ambassador, I was provided product and am being compensated for participating in this program. As always all opinions expressed here are my own, and I am not obligated to share a positive review. The statements on the product have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.)
My first try was before my long run on Saturday – it would be my first time attempting 9 miles since last fall. Seemed like a good place to start. I was a little nervous about how my stomach would react, but I had no issues and the slightly citrus taste was better than I expected. I definitely felt a boost at the start – not at all jittery. It was a good solid run, and best of all was how I felt later in the day and the following morning.
The next test was my first pilates barre class followed by a 6-mile progression run. While that class kicked my butt (a post for another day!), I still felt strong throughout my run. Once again I was happy with the way my legs felt the rest of the day. And this morning, as I get ready to head out for hill work, my legs are feeling fairly fresh – I’ll be taking another X2Performance before this workout as well.
I’m happy with how things are going so far. I still have a few more bottles left so I will update you again next week. As a brand ambassador, I’m happy to be able to offer you a chance to try it for yourself!
You can get a free trial! For a limited time you can a 4-pack to try for yourself. When you click HERE you will need to select a subscription plan but you can cancel the subscription at any time and still get the free trial — even before your first shipment! (There is a $5.95 shipping charge) Everyone’s body chemistry is different, so I encourage you to click over to the site and check it out for yourself – I’m looking forward to seeing how the next few workouts go! I’ll keep you posted 🙂
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They contacted me also but I use Energybits for fueling my runs. I wondered about this though. Plus I’m in the middle of half marathon training and don’t want to change anything up. But I may give this a try after my race. Thanks for sharing!
I can definitely understand not wanting to shift gears in the middle of training. When’s your race?
I am so glad your stomach didn’t flop on you! That would have sucked :-/ I’m glad your results were positive too!!
Thanks Samantha – I usually have a pretty iffy stomach so I was pleasantly surprised 🙂
Sounds promising! Keep us posted.
So far so good. I’ll update again next week.
Liking mine too!!! 🙂
Glad you’re enjoying Jody!
Sounds like it’s going well! I love your candid review of the product and that you let us know how you felt all along the way.
I’m eager to get my hands on a sample now and try for myself.
Thanks Nicole!
Glad you’re loving it, Michelle! I had very similar experiences when trying it…glad to hear it’s more across the board than random reactions! 🙂 Great workouts too!
I agree Bonnie it has been great to hear others have been having a positive experience too!
I keep meaning to try a pilates barre class…it looks so hard!
If you get the chance definitely try a class. It was hard but a great workout!
oh I am glad to hear it didn’t upset your stomach. I am nervous about that too! Can’t wait to try it out.
Amanda that was one of things I worried about the most! Hopefully you’ll find it easy on your stomach too 🙂
Nicely done…..and hey, I really like the layout of your website.
Thanks a lot Darryl!
Sounds interesting! I’m always wary of supplements…looks like it’s working well for you to start!
Honestly Janelle I’m usually wary of supplements too. I liked that the ingredients were all natural – and so far so good!
I’m looking forward to hearing more about how you like this!
Great review! I also liked the endurance boost X2Performance gave me during my strength training workouts.
Great information. Thanks for sharing