This Friday’s randomness is brought to you courtesy of Courtney from Eat Pray Run DC, who tagged me a couple of days ago with a get to know you ABC game. So grab your coffee cup and here we go….
A. Attached or Single? Married for almost 21 years!
B. Best friend? I’m very lucky to have some wonderful friends in my life – not naming just one!
C. Cake or pie? Flourless chocolate cake
D. Day of choice? Sundays – it’s the one day of the week where I may get to sleep in, we usually have a big family breakfast followed by a lazy, family hang-out day (except during Lacrosse season or if I’m racing)
E. Essential Item? I am ridiculously dependent on my smartphone!
F. Favorite color? It seems to change – right now I love deep purples – though you’d never know it by looking at my wardrobe
G. Gummy bears or worms? Truthfully, neither.
I. Favorite Indulgence? A good glass of red wine.
J. January or July? January – I love having a whole fresh year laid out in front of me!
K. Kids? Two great boys and one lovable German Shepherd
L. Life isn’t complete without? Family and friends
M. Marriage date? October 11th
N. Number of brothers/sisters? 1 wonderful brother
O. Oranges or Apples? Apples!
P. Phobias? Spiders…well all bugs, but especially spiders – skeeve me out!
Q. Quotes? There are several quotes I like, but one favorite is:
“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” –Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
R. Reasons to smile? Without a doubt my boys!
S. Season of choice? Fall – it’s always been my favorite time of the year! Cool, but not cold, weather – perfect for running and football! And the foliage in N.E. is beautiful!
T. Tag 5 People I’m going to pass on tagging anyone – but if you want to play along, please leave me a link so I can read your post.
U. Unknown fact about me? As part of my major in college, I use to be fluent in Japanese – sadly I’m not anymore.
V. Vegetable? Grilled asparagus
W. Worst habit? I’m very Type A which makes me a bit of a perfectionist.
X. Xray or Ultrasound? Odd question, but I guess ultrasounds because it meant I was seeing my baby!
Y. Your favorite food? Sushi
Z. Zodiac sign? Leo
Have a great weekend!
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Oh, I think you’re the first person I’ve seen to pick January –great reason too!
I’d love if you would link up on my InLinkz post:
I love these surveys because you find out how much you have in common with each other! We share the same anniversary month 😉
Happy Friday Michelle!
Now I’m craving sushi!!
Happy Friday!! Great post! I love Boston – lived there for 13 years 🙂
You don’t love gummies?! I will choose Bears on your behalf haha.
I love these! I’d pick January over July too.