It’s week 15 of my half marathon training plan and it’s finally race week!
Yes I know I’ve already run four races this year, but when I started this year with the goal of running 13 races I had circled a couple on the calendar that are in my mind “goal races”…and this weekend’s half marathon is one of them.
So the wonderful Coach Bennett went about designing a 15-week plan for me that would allow me to fit in the other races while keeping my eye on this goal race. Not an easy task I’m sure and I know there have been moments as he’s looked the race schedule where he’s been shaking his head – but to his credit he’s not discouraged me and I’ve appreciated his support!
This week is all about some light running, yoga, getting enough sleep, prepping a playlist, setting race goals and carefully watching what I eat (no repeats of the Newport 10 miler drama!). In general I think race week is really all about the mental prep – the training’s done so the trick now is not to psyche yourself out before you get to the starting line.
So tell me — How do you handle race week?
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Good luck! Typically I follow my plan, which usually involves less mileage and shorter intervals. Less strength training too. Things are so crazy here my 10-miler on Saturday will probably be more of a walk. THere has been minimal training to speak of these past few weeks. Argh!
Thanks Marcia! Some how knowing you, I think you’ll still rock your 10-miler 😉 Good luck!
You’re going to do awesome Michelle!!! You have really put in a lot of work for this one!!