You know that feeling at the beginning of week when you have a mile-long to do list,you’re staring at the calendar trying to figure out how to wedge in one more commitment, and then you get thrown a curve ball and all plans go haywire? Well, my curve ball came in the form of having kids home sick on two different days. On the good side, both boys are feeling better and I got some quality snuggle time with my kiddos 🙂
I did make it to the chiro this week for another appointment. After seeing him twice a week for the past few weeks I’m happy to report that the majority of my ITB pain is gone! We’ve agreed to take a couple of weeks off and then see how I feel as I start to build my mileage back up – fingers crossed, nothing will flare up.
The lottery gods were unkind to me for the Cherry
Blossom 10 miler lottery, so it stays on my race bucket list for another year.
I did lock in the early bird rate on Boston’s Run to Remember for the end of May, but am still on the hunt for another half marathon or 10-miler for the spring – Any suggestions?
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I share your pain on the sick kiddo. I got the call from the school nurse yesterday too.
Sorry CB10 is not in the cards for 2013. But I bet a lots of great races are!
Too bad about CB! Such a great race. If it makes you feel any better, I stupidly forgot to even put my name in the hat!
Glad the ITB is feeling better!
I think everyone this week has been pulling their hair trying to cram one too many things into their calendars. I know I have! So glad the week is almost over and I can relax & enjoy the holidays 🙂 Glad both your boys are feeling better!
Your calendar sounds like mine. So happy to read the IT pain is gone!
Aw bummer you didn’t get into cherry blossom! I guess there’s always next year 🙂
Sorry about the Cherry Blossom, but congrats on Boston!
Bummer on Cherry Blossom. I think if you enter and don’t get picked two years in a row you can automatically get in the next year?
it’s a bit of travel- but the charlottesville 10 miler is lovely!
Yeah, glad to hear you are feeling better! How about the Shamrock Half marathon in VA beach in March?