If you want to help the Sandy Hook victims and their families, here are some ways (thanks to Beth at Shut Up and Run for posting them).
- Sandy Hook Elementary School Fund: Chris DeLetto of Champaign, Ill., started this fundraiser on Crowdtilt, hoping to raise $50,000 in 30 days.
- Help for the Sandy Hook Elementary School Families: Raising money for the Sandy Hook Parent Teachers Association.
- Sandy Hook Elementary School Victims Relief Fund: Raising money for the school’s PTSA organization.
- Secure Schools: Becky Hoover launched this campaign to get security systems in place in all U.S. schools, including pass-key systems with cameras.
- Wall of Love: This interactive website, designed following the tragic shooting, wants to show everyone affected by the tragedy that there is more love than hate in the world.
Wishing you peace,
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Thanks, Michelle, for sharing all these different ways to help!
another fund to add to your list:
The University of Connecticut has started a scholarship fund:
My heart just like yours, is broken from the tragedy. So I believe as runners we can make a difference in the lives of those affected even from afar. Please check out my latest blog post for a virtual race! Let’s run together to help raise money for the families affected by this horrific act!