1) While I’m still very excited about Saturday’s PR, it was time to get back to training this week – the “A” race, the Chilly Half Marathon is a little more than 6 weeks away. By Sunday evening, Coach Bennett had sent me the next phase of my training plan – the hill repeats have been replaced by speed work. And, while I love being on the track, I’m scurd (yes, that’s beyond scared) just looking at some of these workouts!
2) When I looked at my splits from ZOOMA, it’s clear that just a couple of miles kept me from an even bigger PR, despite the course’s never-ending hills. I’m really encouraged by that, but know that I have to do everything I can to strengthen my hip/ITB area so they’re not an issue come November.
3) My brother just asked me to help him to put together a training plan to first get ready for a 5k and then work up to a 10k! Yea another runner in the family – can’t wait to get started!
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So cool that your brother is going to start running too! Mine dipped his toes into a few traithlons with me years ago and it was really fun.
Yay for hard speed work! ; )
i’m nervous because I started the hill work late in training instead of at the beginning, but seriously everyone started freaking me out about NYC!! Oh well it all adds up in the end, right? 🙂
Congrats on the PR, can’t wait to see what this next set of training does for you!
Yeah for more people running!! I did a race with my sister this year an loved it!!
How exciting that your brother is going to start running! Running can be very contagious which is always a good thing.