Cough, Sputter, Blow…that’s what I’ve done all week…and it hasn’t been pretty! I am a congested, coughing, hacking mess!
I’ve been holding out hope that my body will cooperate so I can race Sunday, but clearly my body (particularly my lungs) has other plans. After a low point on Tuesday, I thought the worst of it was over and announced I was going for a short run on Wednesday. J looked concerned but didn’t discourage me. However, when just going upstairs to get dressed sent me into a coughing spasm, I decided to hold off (The Universe smacking me upside the head perhaps?). After a slightly better night’s sleep last night, I once again declared I was going for a run this morning.
So I set out to do a simple 5k loop – except it was anything but simple. I’ll spare you the details, but suffice it to say I wheezed and hacked my way through it and had to walk a couple of times — really?!? And, when I finished it felt like I had to have gone a lot further than just 3 miles. OK so I have my answer – short of a miracle turnaround in the next 48 hrs, there will be no race for me this weekend 🙁
As you can imagine I’m ticked off – 9 weeks of running my fanny off to be brought down in the end by a relentless cough! As much as I wanted to run this race again, this is the wise choice for the long-term. So I’ll allow myself a bit of a pity party today (but just today – really…first world problems), hit my doctor’s appointment tomorrow to figure out what’s going on, and then set my sights on a new target.
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So very sorry that the cold (or whatever) is raining on your race day plans. Hope you start feeling better quickly, and that there is no rebound. 🙂
Bummer! I hate having to make the DNS decision, but sometimes it just has to happen.
Feel better soon!
Ugh! I hope you feel better soon.
Sorry you are having a double whammy right now! I think it was meant to be, though–you probably shouldn’t be racing this weekend, anyhow (don’t shoot the messenger!).
I was laughing on your comment today about the font size on your Kindle! That’s great. It’s having to use readers on occasion that put me over the edge for getting Lasik. I don’t need two vision problems!
sorry about the change in plans, but it’s better to rest up. hope you feel better and can enjoy the weekend!
Hope you get better soon!
Thanks for the good wishes everyone! Just got back from the doc so I’m armed with a prescription and an inhaler. Hopefully this will clear up fast!
So sorry you’ve been sick! Feel better soon.
Oh no, so sorry! But the most important thing is to get better first. I once heard the rule, you can run if it is above your neck, but once it is below your neck you should stop. Sending you tons of fast heeling thoughts!!