After watching the wind bend the trees in my backyard sideways I made the rare decision to go to the gym and hit the treadmill. I figured I was already feeling low in the motivation department, so better to get on the mill, set the pace and force myself to stay with it vs. battle the wind (and my complete lack of oomph) out on the road.
I don’t darken the door of my gym very much because 1) I prefer to run outside; 2) I’m not a huge fan of treadmills and 3) I often leave the gym wondering if there’s a full moon because of the odd behavior of many of my fellow gym-goers. But I figured it was an off-hour, so it should be quiet and I could just get in, run and get out. Well note to self….off hour = odder clientele!
A small sampling….
There were the bobsie twins – two guys dressed alike who seemed to move together in perfect synchronization on the elliptical. Not odd in itself you’re thinking…well their perfectly synced choreography continued as they got off the elliptical, toweled off and moved to the free weights…it was a little freaky!
There was cluster of seniors who decided to camp out around several of the treadmills to have a discussion about some friend’s recent hip replacement.
Of course, there were the obligatory grunting “gym guys” in the weights area, flexing and grunting with just a little too much … um…emphasis?
And the guy whose shorts were just a little too small who needed to do all of his stretching in full view – (Yeah I just tried my best to keep staring at ESPN on the screen in front of me!)
Then there was the woman who tapped me on my arm while I’m on the mill with my headphones on because she wanted to tell me that she thought I had great arms and wanted to know if I was working with a personal trainer. When I said I wasn’t, she then launched into a rapid-fire series of questions. Now, don’t get me wrong, on the one hand it was flattering, but on the other hand I’m thinking Really? I’m running my butt off here, dripping in sweat and you want to have a conversation?
Yeah…just another day at the gym.
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Oh yeah there are gym crazies everywhere!! People are just odd…but at least they love your guns!!
I haven’t been to a gym in forever, but when I was going to one fairly regularly, it was funny to see the same people doing the exact same thing every time I was in there. I always felt like I was unpredictable, but in hindsight they may have thought the same about me. 🙂
Gosh! I didn’t realize I was missing out on so much entertainment by not belonging to a gym!
that sounds about right for the gym! And you DO have great guns: )
OMG, that is too funny. But, so weird that lady started up a conversation with you. I fluctuate between being annoyed by the people at my gym and being fascinated by their oddities.