I actually have my first race of the year this weekend – the Wampanoag Old-fashioned 10 Miler and Fast 5K. I’m running the 10.
It’s funny – I know absolutely nothing about this race except for the fact that the course is described as “a rolling course.” Gotta say the “rolling” part makes me nervous cause hills and I are not friends….we’re barely civilized acquaintances.
So why in the world run it? Couple of reasons….
1) I’m trying to face my fear… er intense dislike… um hill “issue” head on
2) The timing of this race made it a good tune-up for the R’n’R USA Half which is just over 4 weeks away
3) J is running it – this will be his first time doing a double digit race and I wanted to support him
Up until now I haven’t given much thought to race goals or strategy. I’d like to run the final 5 faster than the first 5, but I don’t have an overall time in mind. J and I are going to drive the course on Saturday so we’ll see just what “rolling” means and that might help me get my head around a race strategy.
Do you always go into a race with a strategy & goals? Do you run “tune-up” races?
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Is that the one in Foxboro? I was going to do it last year but my schedule was crazy at the time! Hopefully you’ll have great weather!! Sometimes my goal is to finish…like this weekend’s 20 miler. I want to cross the finish line…that’s it! Then again I always end up trying for time!!
Hey Michelle!
It’s definitely in Foxboro……..I worked the OFTM as a member of the WAMPS last year and it’s a great race……mostly residential……with lots of rolling hills. Nothing too severe, so you’ll be fine.
I’m with Nancy on the “just finishing” plan…..I always want to enjoy the race experience, but my crazy competitive streak tends to come out in the final mile and I always end up dropping the hammer (if I still have a hammer left to drop!). With longer races (10K and up), though, I usually have a “plan”…..more of a general time goal.
As for “tune ups”, I’m running the Half of Quincy on March 18th as a tune-up for Boston….a chance to test the legs over 13.1 ahead of the full marathon.
For tune ups I usually run it at what I think I want my pace to be for my full race. Since it’s a shorter distance you shouldn’t end burned out and it can be good practice for pacing for the actual goal race. Either way – having fun is the #1 thing no matter what. 🙂
You are going to do great!!! And you have three great reasons! Go get ’em girl and have a great time! 🙂
Good luck this weekend Michelle! I think you will be fine. I like to run shorter races before my half marathons if they fit my schedule. A 10-miler sounds perfect before a half!
I say pace yourself the first half, then pick it up just a notch if you are looking to run for time. It’s definitely a good tune up for your half.
You’ll do great!! Have fun!!
I love the 10 mile distance! With any race I run the first half by feel and then decided how I feel and if I can go faster. Good luck!!
I”m glad you are driving it in advance b/c it seems to me that when race directors use the word “rolling,” well…
I almost always have a strategy with my races..I find I race better that way. I’m probably doing a 1/2 this weekend, however, and it will just be a fun run for me, not even chip. I need to get into race shape before I can apply strategies!
Hey…. I was planning a 9 mile run this weekend. After looking it up and today being the last day to register, I decided to run this race instead. Foxboro is not too far for me.
I plan on just finishing. Not too concerned about time. See you there!!
Great that you registered! See you Sunday!
I agree with Miss Zippy – I think ‘rolling hills’ is kind of like ‘teacher-speak’ for nasty hills. Glad you’re driving it.
Good luck and have fun!!!
I usually have an A goal and B goal, since you never know what will happen race day. Good Luck, have fun!
Have a great race! I think tune-up races are a great idea to help set realistic goals for your “A” race.