Huge huge thanks yous to everyone who left comments, tweeted or emailed words of encouragement! I really appreciated each and every one! I’ve had my freak out and have quickly moved on to the “do whatever it takes to get to the starting line” mode.
Since Thursday, it’s been all about ice, rest, Advil and compression — gotta say, I’m loving my new Tommie Copper knee sleeve! I took a tentative run late this morning and managed to log a little over 7 1/2. They weren’t the prettiest miles but they gave me hope. KT Tape may be my new BFF!
I also went to see my acupuncturist this afternoon and let him work his needle magic. Tomorrow will be another rest day. I’m trying to get comfortable with the concept that there just may be very little running between now and next Sunday. Going to just take it one day at a time…..
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Ugh! Keep in mind that there is really no reason to run this week as far as race performance. You have trained and you are ready and this should be a light week anyway. Focus on rehab–ice and rest. Maybe try a very easy, very short test run on Thursday so you know what to expect. Good luck!!
Way to hang in there! Good luck!
Sounds like a good plan…keep the emphasis on rest!
Great plan!
It sounds like you have a great plan!! Rest up!
i think leading up to the race we all have a freak out about something and sometimes it’s real, sometimes it’s just a weird tweak that goes away.
fingers crossed and can’t wait to meet you!!
I hope the knee is feeling better! You definitely have a good plan, and don’t worry about resting, you won’t lose any fitness between now and race day. Hang in there!!
Tommie Copper is awesome – it’s brought so much relief to me in my marathon recovery. Keep wearing it, and keep doing your thing.
Hoping you this is the magic cure!! I’m rooting for ya!
I hope your knee is feeling better! Use this taper to rest up!