While I don’t want to call week 2 a failure it was definitely nothing special and makes me happy there are still 12 weeks to go!
There were good points — hill repeats on the mill and a great strength and core workout; but there was much that was just so-so or worst…non-existent (no yoga, and thanks to Hurricane Irene I missed my 8-miler).
So I’m coming at this week with renewed energy and focus! This morning was a beautiful morning to be at the track – on the plan was 3 sets of 200/200/400 with jogs, plus warm-up and cool-down. There were a lot of us on the track, but despite a little weaving I nailed my target pace for each interval!
For the rest of the week – there’s daily core work, plus:
Wednesday: Easy run plus strength work
Thursday: Tempo run
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Weekly Pilates Reformer group
Sunday: Long run (9)
Hopefully this morning’s workout means I’ll get much better results this week.
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Can’t go wrong with your positive attitude 🙂
sometimes the weather can hold us up but make us relax and start fresh.
heres to a good week! Knock’em dead lady =)
Way to get right back in the saddle! You will be fine for missing a bit last week…
Great attitude!!! 🙂 Keep on, keeping on!
congrats on signing up for another half! I love all your reasons for doing so, good luck with training : )
What are you doing as far as hill repeats on the treadmill?
I need some suggestions …. 🙂
Hope you will have a much better week than the last …
I love all your reasons for doing so, good luck with training!