Today was the annual Fun Run at my son’s school. I volunteer every year and once again I got THE best job – handing out the medals to the kids at the finish line. I just love watching those kids from the 4 yrs olds to the 5th graders running their hearts out, running for the sheer fun of it! We adults should remember to run with that kind of joy!
I had a pretty joyful run myself this morning – it was a perfect cool spring morning, the streets were quiet except for one other runner. I ignored my watch and just ran. It was one of those runs that felt smooth and easy – even my chatter brain slept in. It was a great way to start a Sunday.
While it was good to get a little extra rest on this step back week, I’m now looking forward to gearing up for the final push to my half. Just 4 weeks to go!
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I love watching kids run. Em runs all over the place!! Thanks so much for the encouraging words!
I love it when running is peaceful and everything just feels right. Awesome!!!
Awww that is the best job ever….so fun!
Got to love those kids!
Winks & Smiles,
Awesome! Good for your for just running. I need to do that more often.
There is something about watching kids run…You are right we could learn something..
Glad you had a great run!
The kids always make it look so easy