Race Goals

After signing up for this race back in December, I can’t believe Sunday’s almost here. My first half marathon – I am beyond excited!

My goals for Sunday:

  • Enjoy the moment! To appreciate the fact that less than a year ago, the thought of running my first 5k was a big deal, and now I’ll be running another 5k…just running another 10 miles first!
  • Finish strong! I will not let concern about my knee consume me. I know that if my legs can’t carry me any further, my heart will.
  • Be consistent! In all my long runs I had a tendency to go out too fast. On Sunday, I’d like to strive for consistency mile over mile – I think it will help me to have enough in the tank at the end.
  • Be proud of the effort! I’m trying not to get too caught up in having a goal time – it’s my first race at this distance so whatever the time, it’s a PR, right 🙂

Send some good vibes my way on Sunday, ok? And have a great weekend!



    1. Race day is almost here!!!! Yahoooo!!! You are going to do great….you’ve worked so hard!!!

    2. Good luck and enjoy every second of it! Can’t wait to hear about it!

    3. Good luck and have fun!

    4. Best of luck Michelle! You’ve trained so well for this and it’s all going to pay off. Adrenaline and the positive buzz from the other runners will force that knee to behave. Will definitely be sending out good vibes from NC.

    5. You will do great Michelle! I will be thinking of you while we are running. (maybe i will even see you) Good luck!

    6. Yes, enjoy yourself! You’ll do great!!

    7. It seems like just yesterday you signed up for this race.
      Good luck and have fun. You’ll be great! Thinking of you. : )

    8. you have a perfect plan going in, I am SO EXCITED for you!!! Good luck!!!! : )

    9. Good luck. I am a little nervous and excited for you like its my first 1/2 marathon all over again. I am curious to know what all you will be taking with you on the run and what you have if anything for after the run. I have my second 1/2 in two weeks and I am trying to get my list together of everything I plan to bring. 🙂

    10. Yes, you are going to PR! I think not starting out too fast is so hard in a race because everyone starts out too fast! I’m with Erica, maybe you could do a post on your “list” of things to have ready so I can compare for my Half next weekend.

    11. Good Luck Michelle! You are officially on my blogroll now so I can keep up with you more. Thanks for your comments…sorry it takes me so long to get around the blogosphere. 🙂 I guess I’m too busy campaigning for this silly Circle of Moms contest…ha ha. I love your goals!! Can’t go wrong with goals as positive as that.

    12. best of luck to you! have a great time!

    13. Well? How did you do?! I hope it was everything you hoped for.

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