I’m not going to panic….at least that’s what I’ve been muttering to myself since yesterday’s failed tempo run.
Yesterday, I just couldn’t face another morning of being wet and cold so I headed to the gym for my run. A half mile in, my left knee did not feel good – pain on the outer edge, just above the knee cap. I kept going hoping it just needed to warm-up, but at 1 mile it really didn’t feel good so I hopped off to stretch. Jumped back on and mile 2 just got worse. By the end I was fighting to hold form and the little voice in my head was screaming “stop! this is not a good idea!”
So I figured forgoing the last 4 miles was better than risking injury, and I headed home for a treatment of ice, Advil and Polar Frost.
Today’s a rest day so I did a little yoga this morning and will continue with the icing. The knee still feels sore but not painful like during the run. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for my LSD of 10 tomorrow. It’s odd because I felt so good after Tuesday’s run…I’m hoping yesterday was just a fluke.
Just 10 days until the half….I’m not going to panic!
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It could beyourIT band… Try foam rolling, too. Good luck, hope it feels better soon!
Chalk me up as another Foam Roller advocate and try some IT Band exercises. Keep icing and keep up the advil.
I hope you can get it stretched out. The Foam Roller was a lifesaver for my IT Band.
yes. yes. yes.
no panicking.
You’ve. got. this.
You’ve done all the major training. Just tend to that knee.
Running now doesn’t do much for race day anyway. Take care of the knee and don’t force too many runs. If necessary, look into getting some KT Tape to get you through the race.
Don’t panic, but don’t run 10 miles. If your knee is OK, the extra day off won’t hurt your race performance, but if it’s on the edge, a run could push you over in the wrong direction. I’d keep RICing and stretching/rolling the rest of your leg.
Good job on listening to yourself!
I probably won’t do 10 miles tomorrow. You already have your 11 miles, so you know you got this down. The only thing you can do right now is injuring your knee. Take an extra day or two to baby that knee. 🙂
And do not panic.
Don’t panic! And, way to be smart by stopping the run. I agree with everyone who said don’t run 10 tomorrow, at least not on the land. Do you have access to a pool where you can pool run? You could stay in the pool until the race and still be totally ready for race day. Feel better!