How cold does it have to be before you say no to a run, or at least head for a treadmill?
I am not…repeat not a cold weather kind of girl! But after whining….er, I mean expressing my displeasure with Mother Nature and her never-ending hot flashes this summer, I promised I wasn’t going to complain when the weather finally moved to cooler temps.
Each morning as I run by the bank sign displaying the current temp, I wonder what my threshold is going to be. So far I have surprised myself (and family & friends I might add — yes I’m known as a bit of a cold wimp!) Today it flashed 29 degrees! “It’s brisk! It’s refreshing!” I kept repeating to myself, but actually once I was a mile or so in, it really wasn’t too bad. Besides it gave me a chance to try out my Lucy Propel Run Tights – a birthday present from my hubs back in August. I’m happy to say it was love at first run with these tights!
So what’s your cold threshold? How low do the temps have to drop before you stay indoors? And, what your favorite winter running gear – this girl’s got a wardrobe to build 😉
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Wow 29 degrees! I haven’t even ventured out for a run in those temps, though I’m going to have to soon since I’m from WI! Best of luck to you with the running in the cold!
I used to draw the line at 20 degrees, until I had to train thru the winter for Boston. The prospect of 20 milers on the mill had zero appeal so I got out there. Now I’ll go out down to zero, maybe -15 with windchill. I know it sounds nuts but with the proper gear it’s totally doable!
Ok now that teamarcia has weighed in…I am officially THE biggest cold weather running wimp. I hope she’ll share what she wears to stay warm. I’m still trying to figure that out. I don’t have much more than a cold weather running top and gloves…I still totally froze when I ran in NY this past weekend and I only did a couple of miles. I’d much prefer to be outside though than on the mill.
Marcia – I can’t imagine 20 miles on the mill either – I can barely take 3! As Kathy asked, any suggestions on what to wear?
I keep it around 20, because at that point my lungs hurt, and that’s no fun!
I have to say that I actually prefer the colder weather to run in! I’ve always had better mileage times in the cold! Go figure!
I live in Australia so it is never too cold for me to run.But, I am mega pathetic in the heat and really would not choose to run if the temp is over 3oC. ( 90F).And if I am having a bad day of power surges aka hot flashes, well it really impacts on my performance.
Haven’t reach that temperature yet … but I’m in balmy Southern Ontario.
The road conditions are a little more concerning than the temperature.