Signed up for my first race

OK I did it – I bit the bullet and signed up for a 5K!

On Sunday, June 27th I’ll be running in the 2010 New Charles River Run! It’s a nice flat course around the beautiful Charles River in Boston. After reading others’ race reports, I was inspired to get out and try one. I figured there’s no time like the present, right?

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous. In fact as I was finishing my 2.5 miles this morning I was thinking I may have jumped the gun on this whole thing!  But I have to remind myself that I’m right where I’m suppose to be on the Couch to 5K plan  (week 7) and I’m just going to go in to it to have fun! So here we go…26 days and counting…..



  1. Yeah Michelle!!!
    Sounds like fun. Do you want company?

  2. Keep following the plan. One step at a time. You can do it!

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