Haunted by Harriet

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying that “age ain’t nothin’ but a number” or “you’re as young as you feel.” They’re nice feel-good phrases, and generally I’ve always believed there’s some truth to them. Well, now I’ve come across a woman whose achievements just prove that the abilities of one’s body are driven far more by the strength of the human spirit than any number on a calendar.

Harriet Anderson is the Women’s 70-74 Ironman World Champion. She won this Championship, by the way with a broken clavicle that she sustained during the race! I have been haunted…in a good way…by Harriet’s story ever since I read about her a couple of weeks ago. In fact, I was thinking about her this morning as I was lacing up to head to the track before my boys were up and needing my attention. And I’m sure I’ll be thinking about her for many, many mornings to come. Her efforts are nothing short of inspiring and I think after you read her story, you may be “haunted” by Harriet too.

You can check out her story here.



  1. Harriet is an absolute inspiration to all of us! I hope to be like her when I’m 74…goin’ for it no matter what! I shared her story with all of the Gals too. She makes you wonder what you’re complaining about and making excuses for, right?
    Love her!

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