September Coffee Catch Up

Happy Friday! Let’s kick the weekend off with a little coffee catch-up. For this week’s Fit Five Friday, I’m joining Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date. Grab a mug and let’s chat!

September Coffee Catch Up

Over coffee, I would tell you that it is crazy to me that my son’s already been on campus for two weeks. College drop-off went off without a hitch and he sounds like he’s settling in nicely. Of course I miss him big-time, but I take his lack of calling as a good sign. And, Parents’ Weekend is at the end of the month so I’ll get to hug him again soon enough!

Over coffee, I would tell you that I’m scheduled for a PRP injection later this month. In case you don’t know, Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections use a patient’s own blood to help heal injuries and improve tissue function. My sports ortho had actually suggested PRP a few months ago, but I was initially not excited by the long recovery time, not to mention insurance won’t pay for it. Now, I wish I had just bitten the bullet because I’d be that much further along but it is what it is and I’m just happy it’s an option available to me.

What would you tell me over coffee? If you know any PRP success stories please share! 

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  1. I’ve been hearing a lot about PRP lately! A couple/worker’s wife is undergoing treatment for her knees, but I haven’t yet heard how it’s going. I hope all goes well for you!

  2. I’m pretty sure Deborah has done PRP. It was next on my list if shockwave treatment didn’t help my hamstring, but luckily a second round of shockwave treatment was enough. Those weren’t covered either and probably added up to PRP treatment.

    Good luck with the procedure and rehab!

  3. Glad to hear drop-off went well and your son is thriving. I also take the lack of calls as a sign that they’re enjoying themselves. That said, I did have a nice Facetime sesh with her last night so my heart is full. Ha! My sports chiro talked about PRP but luckily I never got to the point where I needed. Hope it works wonders for you!

  4. I’ve never had PRP but have heard a lot of good things about it. My sports chiro said we would do PRP if he found a tear in my hamstring, but the ultrasound didn’t show anything. I’m at the point where I just accept everything is super expensive and shell out the money. I do plenty of grumbling about it though.
    Glad your son is doing well!!!

  5. haha, that graphic reminds me that I need to call my mom. (She’s overseas at the moment though so catching her at the right time has been hard.)

    I hope the PRP injection will help! I’ve definitely had patients who found it to be super helpful and were really glad they were able to get it done, but unfortunately nothing’s 100% so I’ve had a couple who didn’t notice any difference either. Will be rooting for you to be in the former category!!

  6. Deborah Brooks says

    I have had m any friends who have had success w PRP and I hope it does the trick for you!

  7. I hope your PRP injections help. My husband had them in his knee, but his knee was too far gone for them to really help (he’ll eventually need a knee replacement).

    Glad to hear your son is settling in nicely away at school. Those first parents’ weekend are so fun and I remember it seemed like they couldn’t come fast enough!

  8. sorry I never heard of PRP but fingers crossed that it works for you.
    I think it is a good sign that your son is not calling. It means that he is happy.

  9. Good luck with the PRP. I have a bunch of friends who have tried it. Also dry needling. I think my friends have had more success w/the dry needling.

    • Interesting about the dry needling – my sports ortho did mention it as an option but he wasn’t as much of a fan on the success rate. Wouldn’t it be great if there were one universal option that worked for everyone?!

  10. I hope the PRP helps. This injury has been going on too long. Have a great time at Parents Weekend!

  11. I am on some of those dorm room mama facebook pages, and it’s like a whole new world! You are doing great and I’m sure he’s having a wonderful time.

  12. Glad your son is settling well.
    Fingers crossed for PRP and pain free life

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