August Coffee Catch Up

Hello August – Can you believe we’re at the start of a new month already?!

And, since it’s the first Friday of the month, for this week’s Fit Five Friday, I’m joining Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date. Grab a mug – or perhaps an iced coffee, and let’s chat!

August Coffee Catch Up

Over coffee, I would tell you that I’ll be enjoying 4-day work weeks for the rest of the summer. My office closes every other Friday for “Summer Fridays” so I figured why not throw in some of my vacation days to even out the weeks. Work continues to be off the chain so why not lean into some long weekends, right?

Over coffee, I would ask you if you’ve been watching the Olympics? I have been all in  – I have especially loved watching the women’s and men’s gymnastics teams, the swim events, and women’s rugby. So many great moments and I’m looking forward to the track events to come!

Over coffee, I would tell you that I want to learn a language. I have been thinking about this for a while but have been putting it off. I recently received an email promoting Babbel’s birthday sale and am taking it as a sign to dive in! Now the debate is whether to go with Spanish or French. I took Spanish in high school and have retained some over the years, while I only took a semester of French in college. Both will work for future vacation plans…decisions, decisions.

Over coffee, I would tell you that we are 3 weeks away from moving my youngest into his dorm. I’m not ready! Deep breaths…

What would you tell me over coffee? Do you have a favorite moment from the Olympics?

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  1. Yes, I’ve been watching the Olympics! It would be hard to pick a favorite moment. Maybe seeing the US men’s gymnastics team win their medal. Or of course Simone. I’m loving the swimming as well and I can’t WAIT for track and field!!!
    Oh, college drop off- it’s so hard. I’ll be taking my son for his senior year, but I still remember crying in the parking lot of his freshman year dorm after saying goodbye like it was yesterday. Sigh!

  2. French!!! I was a French teacher.

    Fridays off? Awesome.

    Simone! Tennis.

  3. Ahh moving your last baby into college is always hard! Hang in there! I hope you do take advantage of your summer Fridays and get some little trips in. Come to DC (but definitely not in the summer it’s horrendous right now)

    • Yes – looking forward to enjoying some long weekends with friends and hopefully a fall getaway. Haven’t been to DC in ages but it would be fun to get back there.

  4. Ditto on the Olympics. The gymnastics (both women & men) have me totally captivated! I was never much enthralled with swimming until my son took part in HS and his first two years of college. Well, now I get it! The strength & stamina is incredible, and the 1/100th of a minute is has much significance.

  5. Go for Spanish – there are so many more countries in the world that speak Spanish. I’ve been doing Spanish Duolingo for over 700 days in a row. My comprehension is high. Speaking – well not so much!

    • I decided to go with French. I find that my high school Spanish comes back to me and my hubby keeps talking about wanting to get back to France so that could be a bonus 🙂 Nice work with Duolingo!

  6. Have fun learning French! We started French in first grade and I took it all the way to high school. When I go to France it all comes back to me. Fun! You know I am right there with you on the drop-off. We will get through it to the other side. Lots of tears though, I’m sure!

    • How great to have started a language so early! I didn’t start Spanish until 7th grade, but I do find a good bit of it comes back to me. French will be a fun challenge.

      Hugs on the drop off – we can do this!

  7. Take Spanish! 🙂 I can help you too.

  8. French sounds super fun! I would love to learn another language. I have some Spanish and some Italian, but I don’ tknow if I have the brain power to commit to learning something new.

    The Olympics have been a lot of fun this year.

    Hugs to you, mama. I know it’s got to be hard.

  9. Not an Olympics person, but I love the excitement from the athletes.
    I’vebeen doing Duolingo for about 3 years and enjoy it. Won’t make me fluent but I managed through Italy last year. Liz is studying Spanish too so we could Blog Spanglish. at one another 😀

  10. I LOVED my 4 day work weeks! I bet you are enjoying those to the max! I am once again working 5 days a week and weirdly enough because I actually like my job and the company (and my colleagues) I am not minding it much right now!

    I am also FULLY enjoying the Olympics! Loving so many athletes right now!! My favourite moment is yet to come – we are heading to Paris on Friday to see my former neighbour run in the marathon. I absolutely can’t wait!

    Learning a second language is hard. I would almost say go for Spanish since you already studied it a bit. And find someone to practise with! So important! Very cool you want to dive in!

    Amazing how the time passes so quickly. Can’t believe your youngest is off to COLLEGE soon!!

  11. I appreciate the thorough analysis you’ve provided in this post. It’s made a big difference in my understanding of the topic.

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