It’s hard to believe that we’re at the end of July already! And, since it is the last Friday of the month, Marcia has opened the Runfessional!
It’s also time for another edition of Fit Five Friday! So, let’s get started, shall we?
A Couple of July Runfessions
Listen I know it’s Summer and it’s supposed to be hot, but I runfess that the humidity is really taking a toll on me. I had promised myself at the beginning of the summer that I would not complain – I’m failing miserably.
I runfess that the weather forecast for Alaska makes me giddy! We leave tomorrow!
And speaking of my upcoming Alaskan vacation, I runfess that I’m leaning towards leaving my run gear behind. If you follow me on Instagram then you know that I’ve been dealing with a cranky right quad. I figure we’ll be more than active enough and honestly a break from running will probably do my leg a world of good.
Do you take a break from running when you’re on vacation? Any runfessions to share?
Welcome to Fit Five Friday!
Join My First 5K and More, Running With Attitude, Run Laugh Eat Pie, Runs with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please be sure to show your hosts some love and visit some of the other bloggers in the link-up.
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Your Alaska vacation really sounds exciting! Often times, I bring along the running shoes, and they’ve remained untouched. If you’re going to already be active, you may not miss them if you leave them behind. Enjoy your trip!
It sounds like taking that running break might be just the ticket.
Sometimes I run on vacation, other times I don’t. It just depends.
As I commented to Jenny, this Summer has been a LOT!
Ah, Alaska weather sounds pretty good right now!!! I run on vacation if I can, but if you’re dealing with an issue it might be the perfect time for a break. You won’t miss running (because you’ll be so busy doing other things) and it’ll give your quad a chance to calm down. Maybe this will be the miracle cure!
I usually love to run on vacation – especially when temps are good BUT with a cranky quad and an active itinerary, I agree that you might enjoy the break more! Have a safe and fun trip! Can’t wait to hear about it.
It is face-melting hot here today. Just saying.
I’ve been very good about continuing my training runs when I’m on vacay. That’s WHEN I’m training for something. When I am not, I rarely run. Have so much fun in Alaska! You will love it!
Alaska weather is amazing! As you know, I did not do much running on my vacation and still lived to tell about it. OUr bodies need and appreciate a break sometimes. Take one or 2 running outfits just in case 🙂
Deborah Brooks recently posted…July 2023 Confessions and Runfessions
It depends on my vacation — for an Alaskan cruise, running would NOT be a priority.
HAVE THE BEST TIME!!! and definitely take a break if you need it! It won’t set you back to the beginning again!
Have so much fun in Alaska and I look forward to seeing you soon!
Wendy recently posted…I Wish My Foot Was Broken
I hope you have the best time! I am so jealous and excited for you!
I always try to work out, even on vacation. I just feel better.