Did you know that today is World Sleep Day?
World Sleep Day is an internationally recognized event created by World Sleep Society to raise sleep health awareness among researchers, healthcare workers, and the general public. The importance of getting a quality night’s sleep continues to gain attention as more studies show the correlation between sleep, good health, and longevity. And yet for many of us, present company included, sleep can be tough to come by.
I’ve written a couple of posts over the years on the topic of sleep and in honor of World Sleep Day, I’m re-sharing my post on how to “Sleep Like a Runner” for this week’s Fit Five Friday. (This post was originally published in April 2017 and has been updated)
Sleep Like a Runner
As runners, we spend time on training plans – focusing on building mileage and improving paces. There’s an effort to cross-train and do strength work. Some runners embrace their rest days while others begrudgingly will give their legs need a break. We focus on our nutrition, fueling, and hydration. But there’s one critical aspect that many of us may not be giving enough attention to…sleep!
Lack of proper sleep can really impact your ability to focus, think clearly, and your overall mood — and if you’re a runner, this lack of sleep can have a huge impact on performance and recovery.
During sleep, growth hormones stimulate muscle growth and repair, bone building, and metabolism – all helping with recovery. Sleep deprivation slows the release of growth hormones, and when these hormone levels are down, cortisol (stress hormone) levels are on the rise. Too much cortisol in your system can also disrupt your body’s ability to recover properly. Lack of sleep can also impact glycogen storage – clearly a big deal for endurance running.
So I’m teaming up with Casper to provide some tips to help you Sleep like a Runner!
This last point is a big one for me! Using technology before bed has been linked to an increase in stress levels. I know personally, it can be hard to turn off my phone or step away from my laptop. If you find yourself tethered to your electronic device, try to power down a little bit earlier each night until you can get to at least 1 hour before bed technology-free.
Disclosure: Thanks to Casper for this graphic. I was not compensated in any way for this post. All opinions expressed here, as always, are my own.
Do you prioritize your sleep?
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I read on my iPad and I always wonder if that counts as technology. I know the artificial light is supposed to mess with my circadian rhythm, but I don’t have any issues falling asleep! Waking up in a pool of sweat–that’s a whole other thing….
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…7 Things More Painful than Running a Marathon
Yeah the whole night sweats thing is such a hassle! I haven’t figured out the trick to getting around that yet.
I’m not a great sleeper so I’ve been trying to really limit my electronics before bedtime. I’m hoping that helps!
Kimberly recently posted…Join Me For April Runfessions
While I’m not a great sleeper either, I have found that when I can limit the electronics it helps.
I need to limit my phone use before bed. It’s so harddddd.
Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted…Gift Ideas for Fit Moms
Yes I think staying away from my phone is the hardest for me too, especially since I use it for my alarm so it’s right by my bed.
I try to stay off my phone at least 30 min before bed. Lately we’ve been watching TV right before bed and it’s not been helping. Books are really the way to go. Like, paper ones… haha!
Rachel recently posted…April Runfessions: Thoughts on Running and Momming
So true about reading – my challenge is shifting from my kindle to paper books 🙂
I am really bad about looking at my phone before bedtime. I’ve been having so much trouble sleeping lately. Will try reading a book and see if that helps. Thank you!
I hope it helps Katie!
UGH…my sleep is definitely lack-luster. I’m going on 5 hours (on the average), and am functioning alright, but know it’s all gonna bite my buttocks some day…..
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Runfessions…My Current Reality
My sweet spot is 7 – 7.5 hrs and I must admit of late I almost never get there. It’s going to catch up with me, I know it!
Its so hard to limit technology before bed! I go to bed pretty early (like 830) and do most of my blogging after dinner.I do try to give myself at least 20 minutes of screen free time before bed, but Im sure its still not great.
At least you’re good about heading to bed early. I’m such a night owl but am working on trying to go to bed earlier.
My sleep habits are abysmal. I fall asleep reading on my phone or watching tv.
Coco recently posted…April Showers, Flowers, And Runfessions
While I’ve got the tech stuff under control, the TV is definitely my nemesis!
Here I sit on my phone catching up on things right before bed. I know I need to stop this and have been limiting my days online before but I can do better.
Anna @ Pipers Run recently posted…April Runfessions
The struggle is real, right?!
I definitely don’t get enough sleep. I’m trying to be better about cutting myself off from technology before heading to bed. Some days I’m better about this than others.
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Princess Half, Here We Come!
The struggle is real!
I’ve been horrible this past week with turning off technology before sleep. I recently set the night shift setting on my iPhone to help with reducing the blue light effect.
Elaine @myRUNexperiment recently posted…Five Ways I Heat Proof my Run
I didn’t know about the night shift function on the iPhone – I’ll have to check that out.
These tips are great! My goal for the month of May is to get more sleep, as I currently do not get enough and I know it effects my performance.
Thanks for the tips and the reminder. Sleep is one of the worst parts of my training. I know I need to get more and more high quality sleep!
Sandra recently posted…Style Corner: PACT Organic Clothing Review
With so much we all try to fit into our days, sleep often gets short-changed – it’s such a challenge!
I look at my sleep numbers every day and my goal is 7! I have no problems falling asleep. Sleeping thru my hubby’s snoring is another issue!
Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…I am just putzing around! Weekly wrap
Oh I hear you on the snoring husband! If you figure out a cure for that please let me know 😉
I definitely need to start getting more sleep. I am sick now because I am so run down.
Oh Toni I hope you feel better soon!
My body crashes at the end of the day – often while watching TV with mrC! My biggest problem is staying asleep all night. I’m a light sleeper, so everything wakes me up!
AmyC recently posted…Uncommon Goods for Everyone
Of late, staying asleep has been a challenge for me too! Can be so frustrating!
I’m a poor sleeper. Boo.
Sometimes I fall asleep and then wake up and other tubes I can’t fall asleep. Both annoying.
I need quiet, no stress and a good book.
Thanks for the tips.
Quiet, no stress, and a good book do sound like a good formula!
World Sleep Day? That’s timely because I got nine hours of sleep last night, which NEVER happens. Everything I read makes me realize more and more how important sleep is. I recently read that the deep sleep phase cleanses your brain of toxins.
I’ve been working hard on my sleep this year, but it’s still hit or miss. I definitely turn of all screens and read for an hour before bed. I try to do everything right, and it’s frustrating to lie there awake when I WANT to be sleeping! I’ll continue to work on it though until I get it right.
Wow, 9 hours is amazing! Improving my sleep is definitely a goal for me this year too – I hope we both find the solution!
I’m a terrible sleeper – especially lately. I do prioritize it and am always looking for tips. I do limit electronics and only use my Kindle Paperwhite!
I only use my Paperwhite in the evening too, but I’ve been wondering if that’s still an issue.
Sleeping is deft not my best feature. They said, I do think I’m slowly improving …not necessarily getting more sleep, but better quality sleep. I’m a major work in progress, LOL
Improving the quality of your sleep is a big deal. I’m curious, what do you think is helping you most?
Welp. I absolutely missed this. Guess I’m going to catch up on some z’s tonight.
I hope you were able to catch some 🙂
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