Running took a bit of a hit this week thanks to a pretty hectic work week. There were early starts, multiple days of commuting, and long hours leaving me with absolutely no desire to hit the mill post-work.
After taking a look at what’s on the deck work-wise for the next few weeks I’ll be making some changes to my workout plan. But, before I get to that, here’s a quick look at this week in fitness.
Week 7 – Creating a New Plan
Monday — Peloton Bike, Core & PT session
Tuesday — 2.5-mile walk, Core & Lower Body Strength
Wednesday — Core, otherwise rest
Thursday — 3 miles & Core
Friday — 2.5 mile walk, Core & Upper Body Strength
Saturday — Peloton Bike & Core
Sunday — 5 miles, Core & hip mobility
While I am not thrilled to get just two days of running, the plus side was both runs felt really good. My hip flexor definitely starts talking to me post-run, so there has been a lot of extra stretching. My PT wants me to hit the bike at least a couple of times a week so I’m glad I got that box checked.
Creating a new plan
Looking at what’s upcoming work-wise for the next few weeks and thinking about my ideal schedule (3 days of running, 2 – 3 days on the bike, plus strength training and a rest day), I’ve decided to shift my “long” run back to Saturdays. I’ll plan to run Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, leaving me Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays for time on the bike and strength training. Tuesdays (and often now Wednesdays) are office days so I think sticking to trying to grab a walk at lunch and perhaps some yoga (or just rest) after the long commute home is my best bet. I’ve also shifted my PT appointments from Monday to Friday mornings. Hopefully, this plan will make it less stressful to fit workouts in and avoid having to run on back-to-back days which my hip doesn’t love at the moment.
In Case You Missed It:
Do you follow a set schedule every week or do you find yourself adjusting week-to-week?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.
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It sounds like you have a really good schedule planned. I only run 3 days a week now. My body just can’t handle more than that! I count the pool running also as a run and do crossfit/strength training 2 days per week. We definitely have to train smarter as we get older and it sounds like you are doing it right!
Thanks Wendy!
Maybe we could hook-up for a virtual ride some Sunday morning? I slept in this morning, and when I was vertical, there was oodles of sunshine. I promptly postponed the ride til later…I can do that (in the basement) after the daylight has passed, LOL. Your schedule sounds perfect! I typically run 3-4 days each week, but in the summer I might sneak in a short (1-2 miles) on extra mornings in the warm weather.
A virtual ride sounds like fun – it’s been ages since we’ve had a chance to catch up!
Sounds like you have a good schedule in place for the week ahead. Sometimes you have to switch things around to fit it all in!
Hopefully I can keep my work life from getting in the way!
It sucks when work interferes with my workout plans. It sounds like you came up with a good new one. I am really bad at ever doing anything after work. I just want to veg out by then.
Yeah I really struggle with working out after work too. I’m much better off if I can knock it out in the morning, though sometimes I’ve been able to squeeze in a short midday run.
I have had to rearrange my workout schedule many times to adjust to life. Sometimes switching things around is just what you need.
It’s all about fitting it in, right?
I hope your new workout schedule works well! It’s always tough fitting everything in around the work schedule.
Debbie recently posted…Weekly RunDown: February 12 – 18 / Easing Back into Running
Thanks Debbie 🙂
I hope things ease up.
I try to follow a similar schedule every week, but sometimes we need to adjust. It’s ok.
I don’t see things slowing down until the summer so I’m hoping this new plan will be a good balance.
Glad you could switch things around to make a schedule that works for you. My schedule changes weekly so my workouts are a moving target. Mostly my early mornings are free, however today that is not the case. Glad the hip flexor is feeling better!
Thanks Marcia – I think the PT is starting to pay off!
I try to keep to M/W/Th/Sa, but sometimes things have to move. Lately they’re moving more than I like. But it’s part of the hybrid juggle. If I’m not running on an office day, I try to walk in.
Cari recently posted…Four weeks until the New York City Half
The hybrid juggle can really be a challenge. I definitely got spoiled when I was just working from home only.
I looked at your list of races for this year – you should definitely consider doing the Indy Monumental Half! I was very impressed with the Indy race. Weds and Sunday are my rest days although I do shift them around a little (but not often). It’s a good idea to give your body the rest if your hip agrees with it. I am looking forward to adding outdoor cycling to my weekly routine again – but that won’t be for a while.
Thanks for the recommendation – I’ve heard a lot of great things about Indy!
So smart to re-adjust your training based on everything you have coming up in the next few weeks. I think one of the good things about running is that you get more comfortable when changing up a training plan because you know you do’t have to follow is 100% in order to still be successful.
So true – you really have to make the training plan work for you!
This schedule sounds good. And I think this past week was pretty good as well- two days of running and two days on the bike are solid cardio days, plus you did plenty of core and strength. It seems like you’re managing your hectic schedule well!
Thanks Jenny I’m trying 😉
Since I don’t work, yup, I am free (sort of) to adjust on the fly. Never know when I’ll have some unexpected mom duty, though.
Since I took so long off running easing back in with just 2 x week (with nothing I’m training for) was great.
I hope that the new schedule works well for you, Michelle! You’ve got a lot of balls you’re juggling, so just remember to give yourself some grace.
Thanks Judy – I appreciate it!
Look after yourself and get some down time, too, but you know that. I’ve had to adjust to no running – and also I am not allowed to stretch my injured hamstring, which feels weird but I do understand.