Amazing to think that we are quickly approaching the halfway point of this month! The days are flying for sure. While I missed last week’s Run Down, the workouts have continued. Instead of recapping each day, I’ll just share some quick highlights.
February Mid-Month Check-in
For the most part, running is feeling pretty good. I’m still following the Team Wilpers Half Marathon Challenge – though with no half marathon on the horizon, I’m following the PT’s advice to build my “long run” distance slowly. Mother Nature gifted us with 60-degree weather on Friday – so running in shorts was definitely a highlight!
Strength Training & PT
I’ve been diligently doing my PT exercises to help wake up these lazy glutes and improve my hip mobility. I’ve started Matty’s enCORE daily core challenge for February on the Peloton app. And, this past week I decided to do another Split Strength Program, this time with JJ.
I liked this program and plan to repeat it this upcoming week.
Throw in a couple of rides on the Peloton Bike and that’s the way my last couple of weeks have played out. The one area that has taken a hit is my daily walks. Icy roads and/or a tight schedule have sometimes sidelined my plans. The forecast looks fairly mild this week (especially for February) so hopefully, I can log more time outdoors.
In case you missed it:
Tell me, how’s February treating you so far?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.
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It’s great that running is feeling good, and I agree that it’s a wise idea to build your long runs back up slowly. Hope all continues to go well!
Debbie recently posted…Weekly RunDown: February 5 – 11 / A Short Running Break
Thanks Debbie 🙂
I am way off track with my long runs — maybe next week I can do 8 again and start back from there, or maybe I should go back to 7. I’ve done 5 on the tread, so maybe 8 is too much of a jump.
Here’s hoping for more good weather this week!
I’m aiming for 6 and will resist the urge to go further if I feel good – that’s always how I get myself into trouble. Trying to trust the process.
Yes, I’m still getting used to the fact that it’s February now- and on Tuesday we’re halfway done! I don’t think I’ve ever had a January and February go by so fast.
I’m glad your running is going well! You’re definitely doing everything right- lots of strength and PT, plus ramping the running up slowly. Sounds like a good recipe for success.
The start of this year has truly been a blur! I need things to slow down a little.
Glad to read about your good week with good running weather. Sounds like you’re doing well with the strength training, PT and running. Do you follow a specific program to ramp up your running?
While I’ve been following the Team Wilpers Half Marathon Challenge, I’ve deviated when it comes to the long runs. I’ve just been adding on to my long runs slowly so I’m not necessarily increasing the distance every week – more like every other.
We missed you last week! Glad to hear running is feeling good. I swear it takes a village to keep all the body parts in alignment, etc. I need to check out Matty’s Core challenge. Not sure how I missed it. Wow 60! It’s been in the mid 40s here and even that is amazing for Feb!
Ha it really does take a village – whoever said running was a cheap sport LOL.
Matty’s challenge is not officially on the Peloton app – it was posted on Instagram. Let me know if you want the class schedule and I can forward it to you.
I’m so glad that you are feeling better. Yes, building back up slowly is a great plan. I echo what Marcia says about a village–I’ve been having my share of minor annoyances (I refuse to call them injuries!) that require a lot of advice and help from ‘my team’ lol
Enjoy your mild weather this week!
Thanks Wendy – I hope those minor annoyances stay minor!
Oh I hear ya on the walking being victimized by the weather! Running in shorts this time of year is SUCH a treat (I hear ya on that as well, LOL). I’m glad to hear the PT is working some magic, and yay for another “JJ splitter.” 😉
Shorts in February felt amazing – I’m sure we’re gonna pay for it down the road LOL but for now I’ll take the gift!
We are all enjoying some warmer than usual weather! Have to take advantage when we can. Glad you liked JJ’s program too. I may have to do it again!
JJ’s program is a good one – so glad both you and Kim recommended it!
Fingers crossed for the walking this week. The weather is pretty amazing for this time of year!
Even if Bandit won’t walk . . . like the one day he wouldn’t go far because it was kind of an icy rain shortly after we started . . . I just figure I’m already out there, so I send him home with my husband. 🙂
All in all there has not been too much to complain about this winter’s weather. I’m hoping we can hang on to these mild temps for the rest of the month.
Logically I know that February is a short month, but it still seems like the first two weeks of this month went by so quickly.
I think we are gonna have more mild weather this week so hopefully the weather cooperates for more outdoor walks and runs!
This has definitely been the fastest February I can remember! Fingers crossed this mild weather continues!
Sounds like things are going well and you’re being smart about the build back to distance- good luck!