It’s time for another edition of Fit Five Friday! We’re also rolling into the first weekend of the month which means Coco and Deborah are hosting the Ultimate Coffee Date. I’ve got my mug of coffee, so let’s chat a little.
Over coffee, I’d start by mentioning the weather. Winter has hit hard this week! Temps today will hit a balmy -4 degrees and this weekend will be even colder with windchills of -30. The weatherman is giddy about breaking records and I’m trying to embrace my treadmill runs.
Speaking of the weekend, over coffee I would tell you that I’m headed to the Run Show Boston this weekend and am looking forward to being immersed in all things running!
Over coffee, I would tell you how frustrating it is to try to hunt down contractors! I shared last month over coffee that we’re planning a remodeling project this year – we’ve got plans we love but are having no luck landing a general contractor. The one contractor we really liked, announced plans to retire and the others on our list don’t seem capable of returning a call in a timely manner – which doesn’t bode well for what it would like to work with them!
Despite the slow progress on getting the remodel off the ground, over coffee, I would tell you that the “great purge of 2023” continues. Bags of clothes have been donated – though there’s still much more to do. The big undertaking will be tackling the “mini man cave” – my boys’ hangout room. While the room has all the trapping of a teen boy cave, it still also has oodles of toys, Legos, collectibles, etc from their younger days. It’s time to be ruthless and get in there!
What would you tell me over coffee? Is winter hitting hard where you are?
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Oh winter! So many runners embrace the cold temps, but not I 🙂 Our winter hit hard about two weeks ago, with all those bitter temps that await you, so I feel your pain. I hope you & your treadmill have a better relationship than I have with mine, LOL. Your running show in Boston sounds fun!
You know I enjoy winter running, but this weather is just rude LOL! Keeping my fingers crossed that it will be short-lived. (A girl can hope, right?!)
I feel you on the purge! Even though I’ve finally taken over the boys’ former playroom, there are still some of their things down there. Their bedrooms still have stuff they need to go through. I may have to just do it myself!
It’s cold here today and I’m bummed–I’m working from home and had hoped to get outside for a run. The windchill is below 0 so…it’s probably a no go. Boooo
Yeah, I’ve given up on waiting for my boys to go through their things – it’s amazing how much stuff they’ve collected over the years!
The windchill is the worst part of this weather – it could be a tough weekend for running 🙁
Yes. Frigid here. I’ve run outside but I am postponing my long run until Sunday.
I started purging. I had a hard time parting with clothes I never wear.
I had a free ticket to the Boston event but it’s still a long 3 hour drive and my friends were not interested.
Have fun.
Aww I wish you lived closer – I’ve had a couple of friends bail. Don’t want to make the trek into the city in the frigid weather.
I hope the weather cooperates for your long run.
Definitely Winter like temps this weekend (but no snow! Yeah!) and I have no trouble embracing my treadmill and am so grateful for it.
Enjoy Boston but Brrrrrr!
Honestly, I’d prefer it if we got some snow vs. this brutal wind and icy temps. I think I need to find something to stream to help pass the time on the mill 🙂
Ooh that run show sounds super fun! Looking forward to hearing all about that! It did get cold this week
They had to postpone the show last year due to covid so I’m looking forward to it!
Brrr. I hate winter as well. I am fortunate to have a job that takes me south often. So winter hasn’t been too bad for me yet. I actually haven’t been in any snow this year, however I feel like February is going to be a long month and we always get a big snow storm. Just keep thinking one more day closer to spring. Days are getting longer….yay!!
I actually don’t mind winter running at all, but the current “vortex” is just too much! I do love that the days are getting longer.
Oh, good for you with the purging. I have to purge my office next week because I will have less furniture to display things on. It’s kind of like that meme, I don’t really care about a lot of the nick-nacks, but they are still hard to part with!
Isn’t it funny how hard it is to part with things – even when there’s no special attachment?!
Hahahahaha. Well, it’s going to be 87 degrees here today, which is a little TOO warm. But given the choice between that and -30, I”ll take the heat.
I had to laugh at the microwave/treadmill thing. Someone once said, look at the microwave and see how many times there are 7 or 8 seconds left on the timer- people are so impatient, they can’t wait that full last minute. Yes, those minutes are long.
Have fun at Run Show Boston and tell us all about it!
87?! Well just wow LOL!
We’ve been trying to get rid of extra stuff around here. I’ve been ghosted by our plumber and we’re struggling to get painters to show up here. So frustrating.
Interested to hear what you think of The Run Show. My highlight was meeting Jacky Hunt-Boersma (@ncrunnerjacky)
Oh, I follow Jacky – how cool that you got to meet her!
It just amazes me that contractors ghost people and still have a business.
We’ve gotten up to 4 degrees here now so heatwave! Our college daughter “moved out” and yet her closet is packed. Go figure. Amvets called the other day and offered to do a pickup. I think I’ll take them up on that!
I would definitely take them up on the pick-up! Vietnam Vets did our last pick up…Now I just need someone who will do the purging 😉
Winter is hard on me every year. Some years I convince myself I’m tough and force myself to run outside. Other years I embrace my Florida upbringing and stick to the treadmill. This is the first winter I haven’t ran at all in a long time.
I swear I’m always purging things. I like to think when my kids are all grown that I’ll be clutter free. Not sure that this is true.
Have a great weekend Michelle!
I think having kids means always living in the purge mode LOL. I’m amazed at how much my boys have amassed, despite my efforts to declutter as they’ve grown. 🙂
No other household chores feel as good as purging. I hope you find a contractor soon. Ours seems to be on his way to retiring as well. We were lucky to have him wrap up a project last winter before he officially retires. He’s been doing remodeling projects for us since the 90’s and it two different houses.
Debbie recently posted…Catching Up Over Coffee: Air Fryers, DIY Projects, and Finally Some Snow
Oh that’s so nice that you’ve been able to work with one contractor on multiple projects.
Aww, hope you have lots of fun!
I’m sorry to hear about the contractor frustrations! :[ Props to you on being able to purge so early in the year though! (I definitely need to do that too…)
I figured I better just dive in and not wait – that way, hopefully, we’re ready to go whenever we finally start the remodel.
I think there must be a sort of global conspiracy when it comes to general contractors. And the thing is, we need them, they know it and they usually take their sweet time in situations that we feel are more urgent… here in NL you can probably find a decent contractor but they aren’t available for your project until spring 2024…
purging is great but I do know the sudden sentimentality that things have. why is that???
hope you had a great time at the run show!!
I had to laugh at the global conspiracy – I often feel that way. And yet we still need them so they remain employed…sigh.
Have a great time in Boston! I think we had something similar like that in Chicago last year. I didn’t go. How frustrating it must be not to get a callback. So rude.
It is annoying to have to chase them down just to give them our money LOL