So how’s everyone doing?
Hanukkah begins Sunday. Christmas is 9 days away. Students are winding up semesters in a flurry of projects, exams, papers, and performances. Work is a sea of urgent requests, budget negotiations, or insert your industry’s last-minute push here. While I love the holidays, this time of year can be stressful! So for today’s Fit Five Friday, I’m sharing a few tips on keeping the holiday madness in check.
Keeping Holiday Madness in Check
First, and most importantly, give yourself some grace. Often the holidays can feel like an endless to-do list of shopping, cooking, hosting, and decorating. If you’re striving for the holidays to be “perfect”, let it go. Cut yourself a break and don’t feel the need to do all the things. And, always remember that it is ok to say No.
Give others grace — This time of year is hard for many for a whole host of reasons so check your expectation of others. Letting go of the “shoulds” as in s/he/they should do/be is very freeing. Focus on why you’re together and if someone is truly toxic do your best to minimize your exposure to them (see tip number 1 above!).
Move your body — Be it a run, walk, strength training, yoga, ice skating, or other activity, moving your body and protecting your fitness routine is good for your mind and body. Commit to carving out time each day to move. Some days you may have time for your regular run, but other times you won’t so have some quick backup workouts ready. And, remember every little bit counts, so take the stairs when you can or park at the far end of the parking lot when you’re out shopping.
Get enough sleep — As tempting as it may be, don’t sacrifice sleep in the name of getting more done. Stay consistent with your regular bedtime – your mind and body will thank you!
Take in the moment — As simple as it sounds, remember to stop, breathe and take in the moment. The holiday season is not a race – Enjoy the time with friends and family. And, embrace some self-care time for yourself.
How do you keep holiday season stress in check?
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I love that saying about treating workouts like business meetings! I’ve slacked with my home workouts this week, mainly because it’s been so cold in the house and everything has been awkward, and I haven’t been out running either because of the cold weather. But I’ll definitely take that advice with me for next week!
For Christmas I’ve very blessed that we made a decision some year ago to stop buying Christmas gifts in my own family – it would have been a massive stress if I needed to do that and send over to Sweden in time! I think it’s important to think that everything doesn’t have to be done or perfect. This year, pre-Christmas is less stressful than ever because I finished my studies in mid-November, finished some other projects, and have no obligations really other than for myself. I’ve relaxed quite a lot and haven’t even decorated yet! But that’s ok, I’ll do it next week and will decorate as little or much as I want to.
That’s wonderful that this time is less stressful for you! I think there’s something to be said for scaling back on the gift giving – it does get to be a lot. I hope you enjoy the holidays!
Great advice! Throughout the years, I think my runs and workouts have kept me sane, so those never get skipped. Somehow, it all comes together, doesn’t it?
So true – somehow it does all come together in the end.
I do try but it helps that I still work from home and that everyone I know wants to keep things low key.
I do kinda miss the stress of the season.
Low-key sounds good to me!
I am absolutely doing my best to get sleep and give grace. We are managing a few health conditions on this end, which is tricky with the holiday craziness, but it’s happening. One way or the other.
I’m sorry to hear about the health challenges – I hope all is well soon and that you get to enjoy some downtime.
I think giving yourself and others grace is oh so important! This time of year can be stressful for so many reasons so try my hardest to treat everyone with extra kindness.
I’m really trying to do the same! I’m constantly reminded that we just don’t know what someone else is going through.