What a month it has been! This October will definitely go down as one of the busier months. With my organization’s fundraising gala on Thursday evening and still contending with a sometimes irritable hip flexor, my workouts were fairly low-key this week. Here’s how things played out:
Monday — 2 mile walk & Yoga, plus another trip to the acupuncturist.
Tuesday — Uber-early commute to the office, so rest day.
Wednesday — 3.1 mile run, Core & Stretch.
Thursday — 3 mile walk & Core.
Friday — 2 mile walk & Yoga. I had a run on the schedule, but after being on my feet (in heels) for 7 hours there was no way a run was happening.
Saturday — 1.5 mile walk, Upper Body Strength, Core & Stretch.
Sunday — 4.5 mile run & Stretch.
The upcoming week is race week with the Western MA 10 miler happening next Sunday. My hip flexor keeps me guessing – sometimes it’s completely quiet and other times it’s very cranky. It has felt better with acupuncture, so needless to say I’ll be going back for another treatment this week. My long runs this month have hovered between 7 and 8 miles so hitting 10 shouldn’t be an issue – how speedy a race it will be is anybody’s guess – my goal is to run and have fun.
How was your week? Do you have any races coming up?
As always, I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.
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I hope that hip flexor behaves for your this week! Good luck and have fun
I hope your hip cooperates for 10 miles… just take it easy and enjoy!
No races until a 15k Nov 13.
I agree with you that October has been ridiculous! I’m looking forward to slowing down a little bit in November. Rugby will be over…no more races or challenges on the plan… but I am thinking I should do a Turkey Trot. Just a 5k. We’ll see.
You’ve been doing so well–I bet you’ll be fine with that 10 miler! I love that distance. You might surprise yourself.
Wendy recently posted…Wrapping up October
UGH on the hip flexor! Thankfully, mine is feeling good…but it’s evil sister (brother?), the hamstring, is another story. I hope all goes well for your 1-mile race and the hip plays nice. I was hoping for a pic of you all glammed-up in the high heels!
I hope your hip flexor feels good and you can do the race. You’re making me want to get acupuncture on my hamstring!
I don’t think I could spend 7 minutes in heels, so congratulations on making it through that. The next race I do will probably be the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving!
I’m sorry your hip flexor is still causing you issues. Hopefully it will cooperate for the 10M. It’s good that acupuncture helps.
I really need at least a sports massage but am having a hard time getting an appointment.
Wow, you’ve been busy! I hope your hip flexor behaves for your race next weekend. Good luck and have fun!
Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Weekly RunDown: October 23 – 29 / Making the Most of Leaf Peeping
Sorry to hear about the hip flexor still being narky and hope it behaves for the race. Yes, I agree those long runs should see you through. Go well!
It’s been such a crazy month for you! I hate to hear about your hip flexor 🙁 That is such a hard injury because it can feel great for a while and then go back to hurting in the blink of an eye, I hope you get some relief soon.
Crazy month for sure.
I don’t have anything but a Turkey Trot 5k coming up. I’m excited about that.