Well, it’s been a couple of weeks since I last checked in for the Weekly Run Down link-up – thanks to Kim and Deborah for hosting! Fall running weather is here in full effect and I’m embracing every moment of it! Here’s how this week played out…
Week 40 — Embracing Fall
Monday — Yoga. I woke up feeling extra creaky following a fun Parents Weekend so I skipped my planned strength workout for a couple of Peloton yoga classes.
Tuesday — 1.5 mile walk otherwise rest day. Tuesdays are my “in office” days so with the early commute and long work day I’ve just given in to making Tuesdays a rest day.
Wednesday — Upper Body Strength & Core.
Thursday — 3 miles & Stretch. I wasn’t paying attention when I headed out for my run and missed how low the battery was on my phone. Does the run still count if you don’t have photo documentation?! LOL
Friday — 3.3 miles, Core & Stretch. Just to keep us on our toes, Ma Nature decided to throw in a day in the upper 70s so it was back to tank and shorts weather. I was able to slip out for a runch – a great way to shift into long weekend mode!
Saturday — Full Body Strength. Sometimes I forget how challenging bodyweight workouts can be. I focused mostly on my upper body to save my legs for Sunday’s long run.
Sunday — 8 miles & Stretch. It’s been more than a minute since I’ve hit this distance. I’ll get no style points for the last 2 miles thanks to my hip flexor but overall was happy with the run.
I’m heading back to the acupuncturist tomorrow. The hip flexor has been fairly quiet over the past couple of weeks since I last saw her, but given the crankiness towards the end of today’s run, I’m glad I had an appointment already scheduled.
How was your week? Are you embracing the fall weather?
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Hmmm- well, I’m embracing the weather that we have but I’m not sure if you could call it “fall.” Glad you’re enjoying some good running weather though. Sorry the hip flexor is still cranky- I hope the acupuncture helps. It seemed to hep in the past so maybe you just need a little touch-up.
You’re right it was helping – I think I may have waited too long between appointments. Fingers crossed I can get it back on track!
ell your hip flexor to quiet down… you have a half marathon to run.
It seems like fall in the morning and then summer in the afternoon.
It’s ok… not ready to add those layers.
Fall in the morning and summer in the afternoon is a good combo – I won’t be mad if it lasts 🙂
I tried acupuncture a few years ago but don’t remember why or if it helped. Hope it does help you and your hip. Seems like we are all having some glute or hip issues right now! Not fun at all
I was making progress with it but think I’ve waited too long between appointments. Too many of us seem to be dealing with glute/hip issues…sigh.
The fall weather definitely has me wanting to run all the miles!
My Garmin was at 5% when I started a run this week, but somehow it lasted for my full 45 min run. Phew!
I hope the acupuncture helps your hip!
45 mins on 5% is pretty good. I’m usually so good about keeping an eye on the battery gauge…I blame being half awake 😉
Sorry for the hip flexor pain (I know ALL about that kind of discomfort). I hope the acupuncture works its magic!! Fall has really been kind of hit/miss here…it’s been feeling more like winter in the mornings lately, with a late summer/early fall in the afternoons. Really bizarre!
Wow you’ve really had some crazy weather swings. I went back to the acupuncturist this morning and already have my next appointment booked – hopefully, I can get this to settle down.
Runch forever. Although I have yet to do one.
I feel you on Tuesdays, even though it’s not consistently an office day, it seems to be a back to back to back one.
Cari recently posted…Quick Florida getaway
Friday runches are a favorite when I can keep my afternoon free of meetings – a nice way to ease into weekend mode.
We have no meetings Monday morning and Friday. when it’s set by leadership it’s a huge difference maker. Hope you can protect yours as much as possible
Cari recently posted…Quick Florida getaway
I hope your hip flexor is ok!
I guess it’s officially Indian Summer here since we had our first official frost and now it’s pushing 70. I do love the cooler weather for running though! So nice!
I’m hoping we avoid a long fall warm-up – the cooler running weather has been ideal!
Well done on your long one but sorry about the hip. I’ve injured my back (folding up a pop up sign at parkrun then sitting on a coach for 6 hours with an already sore back) and am out of running for three weeks, so I have everything crossed you’re allowed to keep running!
Oh Liz I’m so sorry about your back! Wishing you speedy healing!
I will hit 8 miles this weekend. It will be perfect.
I hope that your appointment with the acupuncturist went well today. Hopefully that will keep your hip feeling happy. Awesome job on your 8 miles this past weekend!
Glad to hear from you- busy lady! 8 miles, woohoo! A sunny runch is the best.
Those in-office days really put a damper in the fitness though, ha!
I wore shorts for a “hot” minute last Friday after my long run, but by the time we finished lunch the temps had already plummeted.
Hope the acupuncturist sets that hip flexor straight again — but I think that things like acupuncture (and chiropractic) just need to be done on the regular. It’s maintenance work.