MAYhem is drawing to a close. It was yet another tough week in the news…I have no words…
This week was quiet on the work front, giving me a chance to clear the decks before the new month rolls in. And, on the homefront, my high schooler finished classes and all of the end-of-year school stuff and is now prepping for exam week. It was also race week, so the workouts were fairly low-key…but the #optoutside streak (Day 60 as of today!) continued. Here’s how things played out.
Week 21 – Winding Down May
Monday — 2-mile walk, Upper Body Strength, & Stretch
Tuesday — 2-mile walk otherwise rest day
Wednesday — 3-mile run, Core & Stretch
Thursday — 2.5-mile walk & Yoga
Friday — 3-mile run, Core & Stretch
Saturday — 1.5-mile walk, Upper Body, Core & Stretch
Sunday — Race Day: Boston’s Run to Remember 5 Miler! Running felt really good today and I’m happy with my effort. I’ll share a recap in the coming days.
Now I’m looking forward to lazing on the deck and enjoying some family time!
How was your week? How are you spending this long weekend?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
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I’m so glad you had a nice race day and fun race!
Onward to June!
I’m definitely ready for a new…and quieter month! 😉
Very excited to hear about your race esp since it went well.
I ran 10 mile race today and I was happy to race but it didn’t go well.. heat and humidity almost killed me (maybe that is an exaggeration but it was hard.)
Heat & humidity always do a number on me – we lucked out with the weather for a change.
Glad you got to run a race today!
I agree–it’s been a really tough week. I’ve been so anxious. Today’s trail run really helped me lose some of my anxiety.
I’m glad being on the trails helped a little.
That’s good to hear that things were a little more quiet at work last week – I know that’s always appreciated, especially after a super period period.
Awesome job on your race today – congratulations!
Thanks Kim 🙂
Well, hopefully things will calm down for you now that school’s winding down. It definitely helps to have one less thing going on.
i’m looking forward to the race recap! Glad to hear it went well. And I hope you got your lazy day today.
You’re so right about the end of the school year and the benefit of having one less thing to juggle. I’m really looking forward to the lazier pace of the summer months!
Looking accomplished after race day! Can’t wait to read all about it. Hope you will be having a calmer month at work
Thanks Deborah – I’m really counting on things settling down for a bit.
Awesome that your race felt good!
It’s felt so amazing to be able to spend more time outside
I so agree – being able to spend more time outdoors really helped my sanity!
Great job on the race! Hope you are enjoying some relaxation time! Finals were last week here so we are in full-on summer mode. Bring it!
Thank you Marcia 🙂 Isn’t great when you can shift into summer mode?! We’ve got one more week to go and I can’t wait.
I’m glad the MAYhem is winding down. I look forward to hearing more about your race! Sounds like it went well 😉 We took a spontaneous day trip to Omaha to watch the Iowa Hawkeyes baseball team in the Big 10 Tournament (yesterday)…several miles in the car, several hours sitting in a stadium seat, and several miles back home and my legs are feeling like they spent the entire time running, LOL
Isn’t it funny how spending all that time in a car and sitting can feel so hard on the legs?
I am not super sorry to see this month go. You had some great workouts, though and I know June will be better.
I’m definitely ready for June!
Glad the race went well. Always good when running feels good.
THis month. This week. There are no words
Cari recently posted…nearly June
Thanks Cari. We can only hope for better in June.
We’ve got a long weekend the other way around, starting today (Thursday) – so far I have had the day off but don’t know what day it is, it seems, as only just remembered to send one of my parkrun volunteer emails!
Sometimes those long weekends can really through you off 🙂