That sigh you hear is me exhaling as my MAYhem is winding down. I am so ready to kick back and enjoy the long weekend ahead! But, first, it’s the last Friday of the month which means Marcia has opened the Runfessional. And, the Fit Five Friday crew is ready to go…so let’s get started, shall we?
Runfessions from MAYhem
(This post contains affiliate links)
I runfess that for as worried as I was about all that I had on my plate for this month, things actually went pretty smoothly. Still, it feels good to put this month in the rearview mirror.
After runfessing last month that I was struggling to fit in all my workouts while running 4x’s a week, I runfess that I promptly returned to 3 days of running and I’m much happier. Perhaps I’ll add in the 4th day when I start half marathon training later this summer…but then again, maybe not.
I runfess that the sudden wave of summer weather has me shopping for a hydration vest. While I do have a Nathan Hydration Waist Pack, it only holds one bottle and I’d like to be able to carry both electrolytes and water. I’ve been reading reviews and comparing models – who knew there were so many options?!
This Nathan VaporAiress is on my short list.
Any runfessions to share? Do you have a hydration vest recommendation?
Welcome to Fit Five Friday!
Join My First 5K and More, Running With Attitude, Run Laugh Eat Pie, Runs with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please be sure to show your hosts some love and visit some of the other bloggers in the link-up. Who’s ready for some fun?
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Glad to hear that you got through a busy month unscathed!! I’ve been using my pool running day as my ‘4th day’ of running. It has worked out well for me and no impact!
Yay for the MAYham concluding!! I’m glad you made it through and are ready to celebrate:-) I runfess that I don’t wear my hydration pack much, but instead snag one of the bottles & carry it as a handheld (quite often) because of their ergonomic shape.
Glad things are settling down for you. I’ve got a ways to go on that front with birthday season and Maddie headed to OR. My vest from Ultimate Direction is fantastic, in case you wanna check out another one. It has a bladder and two collapsible bottles.
Glad things ae going better. I run 4x but always have the option of dropping one run if necessary.
That’s exciting that you will be running half marathon.
I do not have a vest but I id buy a handheld – that’s a big move for me.
I’ve trained for a half running only 3 x week. I think there’s definitely something to be said for less miles (sometimes, anyway).
Glad you survived your busy month!
I have the Orange Mud HydraQuiver hydration vest and I love it! I have the single bottle one, but they also have a double.
Glad you made it through May! I hope things calm down for you from now on. I agree it’s hard to fit in running, strength, yoga, stretching, foam rolling… I think you can do just fine running three days a week.
I wish I could run 4x a week but my body just needs a rest day in between. I love my orange mud hydration pack. I have my how to pick a hydration pack post scheduled for 2 weeks from now there are so many different styles to choose from! I personally do not like the bladder container bc it’s hard to clean
Whoo hoo! Glad you made it through the MAYhem!
I have a Nathan vest similar to this one: and I love it! For running with water fountains, I fill two bottles in the front and skip the bladder.
I’m glad you made it through your work crunch.
Do you have an REI or similar store where you can try on different vests? I feel the fit is so important and so personal. I really like the way the Nathan bladders are easy to clean and dry out.