It’s a new month, which around here means setting a few monthly goals to keep me accountable and on track. But first here’s a quick look at this week’s workouts.
Week 13 and Setting April Goals
Monday — 3-mile run, Core & Stretch
Tuesday — 2-mile walk & Yoga
Wednesday — Upper Body Strength, Core & Stretch
Thursday — 3-mile run & Stretch
Friday — 4-mile run
Saturday — 2-mile walk & Upper Body Strength
Sunday — 7-mile run & Stretch
It was a pretty busy week which left me with less time for strength training and it was a rare week without a Peloton ride. But, I am happy to have logged another 4 run week!
April Goals
I had 3 goals for March:
- Run 4 days/week and reach an LSD of 8 miles by month-end
- Opt outside daily
- Prioritize sleep
I was consistent with the 4 weekly runs and came up just a mile short on the long run. I also racked up 74 miles for the month which is the most miles I’ve had since sometime last fall – I call that a win! The daily outdoor plans took a hit as there were many days over the course of the month when Ma Nature thought serving up icy rain was a good idea. I think I did a much better job with my evening routine which contributed to better sleep – though there’s still room for improvement.
So what’s the plan for April? Pretty much more of the same:
- Continue to increase my monthly mileage to 90 miles and get the long run up to double digits
- I’m going to give opting outside daily another go. Right now I have a 4-day “streak” going – hopefully, the weather will cooperate!
- Return to early morning runs – as much as I have enjoyed my lunch-time runs for the sake of milder temps, my April calendar is starting to look fairly hectic so getting up and out the door early will be a necessity. And, truth be told I really do prefer getting out on the roads early before the rest of the world (and distracted drivers!).
What have you got planned for April? Any races planned? What’s your preferred time of day to run?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
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I was hoping to start getting outside daily this month too but wow this week had some challenges weather wise! Way to go on the 4 runs this week! What is up next for you?
What a great month, Michelle! You’re building your mileage at a perfect rate, and the fourth day (of added running) seems like a great fit. Good luck with your daily outdoor streak!!
You did well on your monthly goals! Hopefully the weather will cooperate a little more in April. I enjoy running at any time of day- sometimes it feels great to run right before dinner- but really I’m a morning running. It just makes me feel great all day, and by this time of year, early morning is the only comfortable time to get out in Florida.
You did a great job with your goals! Nice job on the 7 miler!
I am a mostly opt outside girl, but I don’t make anything in my life absolutely necessary. No need to be rigid! Rigid things break.
You’re doing great. Good luck in April!
Way to get those 4weekly runs in Michelle! While I tended to push off my run until it warmed up for much of the winter, I’m always better off just knocking it out early. Less chance of life getting in the way.
Great job on your goals Michelle! And your longest long run in awhile, that’s great! Great photo too.
I love an occasional lunch run for the sunshine (or at least daylight) but the whole day is set up better if I get out before work. Sometimes workouts are tough though. Well, workouts can be tough at any time of day, ha!
Strength training often slips for me too a bit when work/life is busy….you had an awesome week nonetheless!
Keeping my fingers crossed that the nice weather continues for your outdoor streak this month!
Good work on your goals. I’m hoping for a double-figure long run or two this month, too.
Well done on achieving those March goals. I’ve tried to work on my evening routine – one thing is stopping screen time earlier and reading a book instead which has really helped with my sleep. Best of luck as you head into April! Warmer temps for you hopefully and cooler ones for me!
I almost made it outside for a prework run, instead of my treadmill, but then thought it looked a little too dark out and headed to my basement! I’ll be glad when it gets a little lighter earlier again. I’d really like to do strength training twice a week, but it usually only happens once. But, I’m doing my best!
Great job getting your March goals!
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